Recent content by Piotyr

  1. Piotyr

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Presidents can't forgive student debt because tyranny. Presidents can try coups because Kennedy wasn't prosecuted after his presidency for unknown reasons.
  2. Piotyr

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    This feels like kind of a big deal for workers:
  3. Piotyr

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I feel like Scooter would be some min-maxing multiclasser Sorceror/Rogue type hybrid.
  4. Piotyr

    [Brazelton] OJ Simpson dead at 76

    Cause of death was cancer, but authorities are still looking for the real killer.
  5. Piotyr

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    And here I thought bicycle enthusiasts worked to avoid kinks in their bikes.
  6. Piotyr

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    For those who didn't watch it Sunday but are interested, here's John Oliver on the comically corrupt members of the Supreme Court and what he's proposing to do to fix 1/9th of it:
  7. Piotyr

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    The reality is, it's 40% of the voters (which is less than half of Americans), and the vast majority of those voters treat it like sports, and the Republicans are their team because God said so, so they have no other choice!
  8. Piotyr

    Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

    Maybe he's just waiting for someone else to make the same statement so he can sue it for his video.
  9. Piotyr

    Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

    Update: Jirard's foundation suddenly donated 600k like the day this video dropped, which totally absolves him of all wrongdoing, and then put out an apology video effectively blaming his audience for misunderstanding his intentions, and threatening legal action for those who exposed him. That...
  10. Piotyr

    Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

    I'd be more inclined to believe this if not for 1) He said live on a phone call he knew they still had the money and knew about it since 2022, and then proceeded to continue with the donation drives in 2022 and 2023 afterwards, continuing to lie about where the money is going. 2) He asked the...
  11. Piotyr

    Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

    It seems like this youtuber is running a charity scam, and it's been going on for 10 years, and the more we look into it the worse it gets:
  12. Piotyr

    [Brazelton] Henry Kissinger

    But tell us how you really feel, Rolling Stone:
  13. Piotyr

    [TV] The What Animation Are You Watching Thread 2!: The Sequel!

    To put it in video game terms, SScott Pilgrim Takes Off is the New Game Plus of Scott Pilgrim vs the World. it is a ton of fun. Hoping for more.
  14. Piotyr

    [Brazelton] Twitter

    Turns out when your social media platform becomes "Oops, all Nazis", it's not a good look for advertisers.