"If everybody is cheating, is cheating really cheating"
I can only imagine that it is disheartening to folks who are just entering a sport, all fired up and rarin' to go, only to get soundly beaten by the veterans. Stung, they train hard, eat right, sweat the details, and really
become something, only to continue getting the sand kicked in their faces by people who "juice." Their spirits crushed, their wills broken, they then realize the only way to make it to the highest echelons of their sport is to stoop to the dopers' level, to cheat, to compromise their integrity, and, in their minds, to "sell out" to the lure of questionable methods bringing better results.
The same sort of thing could be said about the poor v. the rich, or the entrepreneur v. big business. There
are people who succeed on their own merits, either due
an accident of genetics, or because they're
just so devoted to what they do. And they make for
great stories, too...but usually they don't attract the attention of the media, so we don't hear as much about them.