Zach is in the Army Now (formerly who is from Georgia)


Staff member
The reason he was able to take the selfie in the tank is because they were in the field for training, including live fire exercises and combat situations. Zach's tank scored 927 out of a possible 1000, winning 9 out of 10 engagements. This gave them the highest score in the 2nd AD, 1st Armored Brigade and the designation "distinguished". Boy can't drive a Toyota, but he's the best tank driver in his brigade.

If you remember, he also got the best driver award in basic, so it's not a fluke. I think he finally found what he's good at. I just hope he likes it enough to stay in.


Staff member
By the time he pins on his Sham Shield, dude's gonna have more chest cabbage than Audie Murphy. :D
If he stays in. He talked about staying in ten years and getting out. I told him that he'd already have been through half then and retirement rocks. We'll see.
If he stays in. He talked about staying in ten years and getting out. I told him that he'd already have been through half then and retirement rocks. We'll see.
Tell him from someone who got out that I regret it EVERY DAMNED DAY. Stay in, make that retirement check. Be like this one guy on my watch - both he and his wife had 20+ in the Army, both are now working FOR FUN. The running joke is that he has a new car every month, which is not stretching it too much.
Worked with a guy, retired at 39 after 20 yrs service. Full pension, then immediately hired back as a consultant to the position he just left at double pay.