[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

So, McCree minor nerf and Ana buff. She is my strongest support now. I need some practice but I might be able to play something other than a tank in ranked soon.
People are already whining about the McCree nerf since it only increases his range by 4m over what it was before his buff. His old falloff range was 18, was buffed to 32, and is now down to 22. Personally, I think he is in a good place now. His LMB has enough extra range to be used as a softener without sniping, allowing the McCree to pop in some damage before getting close enough to utilize the new FTH buffs, he also out-ranges Roadhogs hook by 1m.
People are already whining about the McCree nerf since it only increases his range by 4m over what it was before his buff. His old falloff range was 18, was buffed to 32, and is now down to 22. Personally, I think he is in a good place now. His LMB has enough extra range to be used as a softener without sniping, allowing the McCree to pop in some damage before getting close enough to utilize the new FTH buffs, he also out-ranges Roadhogs hook by 1m.
I like the McCree nerf. I didn't really understand the buff to 32m. It made it kind of awkward choosing between him and 76. I felt that he was supposed to be a mid to close range assassin and the buff turned him into a bit of a sniper/counter pharah. If they had just left him at 18m and buffed the damage a little I think he would have been in a better place.[DOUBLEPOST=1469631995,1469631961][/DOUBLEPOST]
But then who will play second tank?! ;)
But but but...ok :oops:


Staff member
I like the McCree nerf. I didn't really understand the buff the 32m. It made it kind of awkward choosing between him and 76. I felt that he was supposed to be a mid to close range assassin and the buff turned him into a bit of a sniper/counter pharah. If they had just left him at 18m and buffed the damage a little I think he would have been in a better place.
That would have just made him redundant to reaper instead of 76.
McCree was always supposed to be the anti-flanker, the guy acting as guardian to prevent flankers from getting a strong jump on the rest of the team. The issue is balancing around that kit has been rough. At first, he was given low range and mostly FTH to brutalize flankers, but he also ended up brutalizing tanks and anyone else that got close enough. He was considers too cheesy strong, so they nerfed FTH.

However, the nerf made it hard to do his job of killing flankers, so combined with his, by design, short LMB range, he sort of lost his niche. The change to range was an odd one to be sure, maybe they were trying to see if increasing his LMB range made him even out into a new niche? In the end, it just made McCree once again more of a sniper character, and the bane of flying characters like Pharah. The new balancing gets him back in line, making it so he has a strong mid-range power, and the increases to FTH and flashbang make it much easier to blow up flankers, without making him the bane of every tank since he still has the damage nerf. FTH is much faster now, giving you a chance to kill flankers before they can use escapes.
Yeah right after the McCree buff I spent any game as him in the back line firing off lclicks. No reason to get myself all dirty at close range if I can headshot from behind the Payload. The nerf makes sense to me.
I played him a bit in practice after the buff, and while testing his range I remember thinking, "I thought they ... reduced his range?" I'll have to try him back out again now, haven't been able to play anything for more'n a few days.
I was happy to see the blowback had been reduced when the buff went in. The reticle manages to return all the way back to its starting position before the next round fires.

I was happy to see the blowback had been reduced when the buff went in. The reticle manages to return all the way back to its starting position before the next round fires.
I noticed that too, it's much easier to compensate now if you have a steady hand, since you know the cursor will drop back down to the original spot you fired the last shot, as long as you don't attempt to overcompensate by the kickback by following the cursor. It's much easier to do that rather then the old method of counter-compensating (which is why I still suck at FTH).
Needs more dancing baloney and seizure-inducing strobing.
I want that video to look like something from Albino Black Sheep, YOU HEAR ME???



Staff member
Shit that needs to happen:
DVa needs a 3 second cooldown on releasing her shield before she can put it back up again. She's fucking easymode overpowered now. She can lock down a whole room against enemy fire. Also her ultimate is killing people through walls pretty fucking often. Seems like if even a single pixel of your silhouette is in line of sight, you die. Or lag... see below...

Junkrat's M1 needs to be changed to use Loch'n'load dynamics so he can't just spam M1 at a general area and be guaranteed kills. Also, he needs to take full damage from his own explosives if caught in their AOE.

And most of all, the fucking servers are laggy as fuck. Terrik and I, despite living a thousand miles apart and being on completely different network backbones, both got dropped from battle.net tonight simultaneously. Saw another team lose multiple people too, later. I'm getting killed from around corners like crazy and dying for want of health packs that I DID pick up that the killcam show me I never got to. The stupid netstat bug in the upper left couldn't even keep up its lie any more (it used to always say "durr hurr your ping is 39" on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SERVER. Really, blizzard? No matter what server I connect to, anywhere, I always, ALWAYS have perfectly steady 39ms ping with NO jitter or lag spikes whatsoever? Do I look like I was fucking born yesterday? Well, now it couldn't even look me in the eye and say "39" tonight, but it did try to convince me what was clearly 70+, maybe even 100+ms ping times were "45."

And I still say Mei's icicle needs to go away. Or alternatively, maybe make it so that targets frozen by Mei take 50% less damage.
So, I made a mistake. I kept playing last night and deranked to level 38. It's like pulling teeth trying to get people on the point at this level.
I have heard whispers of "The Pit", the low ranked hell at which you get put with all the players that just run around like idiots.
To be honest, I've never really thought ELO hell was real until last night. It's hard to justify getting 3/4 golds and never being able to capture an objective. The drop from 41 to 38 was only 3 games.
To be honest, I've never really thought ELO hell was real until last night. It's hard to justify getting 3/4 golds and never being able to capture an objective. The drop from 41 to 38 was only 3 games.
Welcome to my life. :/ Though, when Terrik and I play together, we get grouped with all those people and we can usually carry.


Staff member
Another thing that needs to happen - exp loss/gain needs to be throttled by how close the match is. Blizzard wants to know why their data was different on what games people like (They polled people early, the poll said "I prefer games where, win or lose, it is close" then the game came out and the match rating data said "I only like games where I win, be it close or by a mile")? I think a lot of it, in competitive, is that when we struggle our damnedest and lose on Ilios 2-2 in 99%-99% overtime, we lose just as much exp as if we'd just never left the fucking spawn room. We shouldn't be losing entire fucking levels when the other team got 3 points on Route 66 and we got only a meter shy of the third point. THAT'S why I hate games that are "close losses."
Another thing that needs to happen - exp loss/gain needs to be throttled by how close the match is. Blizzard wants to know why their data was different on what games people like (They polled people early, the poll said "I prefer games where, win or lose, it is close" then the game came out and the match rating data said "I only like games where I win, be it close or by a mile")? I think a lot of it, in competitive, is that when we struggle our damnedest and lose on Ilios 2-2 in 99%-99% overtime, we lose just as much exp as if we'd just never left the fucking spawn room. We shouldn't be losing entire fucking levels when the other team got 3 points on Route 66 and we got only a meter shy of the third point. THAT'S why I hate games that are "close losses."
Honestly, I am not even sure why they changed it from what it was in the beta. The competitive system they had back then had named ranks. You started out in the "low" ranks, called Challenger. At Challenger rank you get points for wins but didn't lose points for losses. Once you moved into the higher ranks you started getting 20 points for a win and lost 20 points for a loss, UNLESS the game was close. Losing a tie-breaking round, the losing team would only lose 10 points, and if you get consecutive wins, you would gain 40 points each win. Only the highest rank tier, Master, was a pure 20/20 on win/loss. It was a pretty good system that promoted wins but made close games sting way less.

Oh wait, I know why they changed it, because all the FPS try-hards were like...

"This is just another grind, soon all the noobs will be in heroic after awhile, this isn't a skill based system HURG BORF" *chokes on cheetos*

So Blizzard changed it to a pure skill register. You have to play the ten placement games to find your "rank" and then the only way to climb is to never lose. It's such a frustrating system I honestly don't enjoy playing it, which is why when I do log on and notice you guys playing competitive I just start up Quick Play. I enjoy it way more when I don't have to worry about some arbitrary number.
But no one should care about the number when all we want is golden guns. Not a single one of us is trying to be super leet esports caliber. The only thing that frustrates me is people getting super salty. #omgcasual
I don't really want the guns though, they are not an incentive to me over the regular skins. It's not worth the trouble of people using your "rank" as some basis to bitch you out, plus dealing with all the salt. Right now my favorite mode is the Brawl, just because absolutely no one takes it at all seriously. It's great for practicing while letting go of some stress.

Be aware I like some competitive games, I like winning, but I don't need a number to tell me how good I am or to be a basis for how good the game is. I play the game for the pure enjoyment of the game, and all these extra ranks and levels sometimes just bring it down a notch, because people are assholes.
I haven't played much OW lately but I can almost guarantee I will never step into Competitive. I don't care about gold guns and like any MOBA/arena game people get way too fired up and angry over ranked shit.


Staff member
But no one should care about the number when all we want is golden guns. Not a single one of us is trying to be super leet esports caliber. The only thing that frustrates me is people getting super salty. #omgcasual
Honestly I have more fun in quick play. I don't feel like I get treated fairly by the system in competitive. I'm about to the point where I've decided I don't give a shit about golden guns anymore.
One thing of note is that as long as you PLACE in competitive, you get the extra season rewards, like the sprays and player icon. I might be more interested in the golden guns if I didn't have to win 300 games to get a single gun (give us 2 competitive on a win and 1 on a loss is a good enough incentive for me, but not 1 or none).

Funny enough, the best way to get the guns is to be in a group and be a raging set of assholes. Lose all your placement games in 2 minutes or so to be placed at the lowest possible rank. Stomp all the other lower level ranked players who were put there legitimately. If you get too high in ranks, just let yourself lose some quick games (just let them capture on attack), repeat until you stomp out 300 games. Continue till you get all the guns you want.
Honestly I have more fun in quick play. I don't feel like I get treated fairly by the system in competitive. I'm about to the point where I've decided I don't give a shit about golden guns anymore.
Yeah but QP balance is borked, filled with cheese strategies, 2x attack bastions and people treating it as a joke.


Staff member
Yeah but QP balance is borked, filled with cheese strategies, 2x attack bastions and people treating it as a joke.
And yet I still have more fun every time we try it.

We get the occasional bad match in QP.

Last night was non-stop frustration start to finish, and nights like that are becoming more the rule than the exception.
Yeah but QP balance is borked, filled with cheese strategies, 2x attack bastions and people treating it as a joke.
Why is this necessarily a bad thing?

I fell in love with this game back in beta, before we had levels, skins, or competitive mode. It was just pure, utter insanity, and that is why I fell in love with it. I didn't play specifically to win (though I do like winning), I played to have fun, trying and break cheese strategies with different types of cheese, and try out things that looked insane on paper, but somehow worked. Yes, it's frustrating to lose, no one likes being obliterated by a Bastion death train (1 Rein, 4 Bastions, 1 Mercy on the payload), but I would gladly get murdered in one game if it means I can experience things like a 6 soldier team making shitty dad jokes, or experience a double Rein push where we guard each others backs.

In competitive the stakes feel too high. It's not even about "you", because a loss also means all your teammates are losing ranks. Little is more frustrating then losing rank because your team can't handle it, other then that it might have been YOU that lost it for the five other people because you picked your hero poorly or wanted to try something new which lead to all of them de-ranking. I don't enjoy that feeling, it brings me no joy.