Halforum Minecraft Server

I told Cranky the new server was up, but he's away visiting family. I don't know if he's been in yet.
But you'll see. The man will convert a mountaintop into a crenellated fortress in like a week and a half.

And then he'll go down to bedrock and dig in some random direction for two thousand blocks.

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I popped a nether portal at the bigger village, but the village itself is a mess because it generated near a mini ravine so it's split up some. I have no desire to deal with it, so if someone else enjoys corralling villagers, have at it.
I found a flower forest and I built a portal at it in case you want to pretty up your homestead. It's also next to a swamp if you are looking for slimes.
Eriol's Canal Building, first project 1/4 completed. Dirona ordered an island, not a peninsula.

Our tagline is "Better than Nerrick, no TNT Required!"


Staff member
I'm making a village. Surprise. This time it's going to be a giant apartment complex. I hear that they'll go to the higher levels and I'm testing this out. I have two villagers already but I haven't released them yet. Still building and then making sure that I have all the areas lit well enough to prevent monsters.

I really do love making villages.
Dirona and I are on the Nether network now. Near Matt's portal, and we changed where you "go outside" just slightly, but everybody will probably agree it works just fine. Same idea, just around the corner a bit. And I confirmed that Matt's portal still works just fine to/from his property.
Was wondering when (and where) someone would post this.
Truly this is the sort of project that requires FAR more patience than I possess. And I'm no lightweight in that department.

I've set up a portal to a natural village that's east of Dirona and I. I've dug the way to it through the nether network and put up signs, but it's not all "nice stone" like everything else.

The village itself is completely fenced and lit up. There's weird noises in a few places, but don't worry, that's just the caves BELOW the town that aren't explored yet. They're blocked off so nothing can get up though. I know Dave was planning his own village, but if you prefer the "natural" look, now there's a portal to one.
Southwest of spawn are a couple desert temples. I emptied the one that looks like someone angered the gods in. A lava pool generated it. The other is untouched.


Staff member
My villagers had sex once and produced a baby villager that does nothing. And they haven't gotten busy since then.

I think they're protestant and married.
So I built a villager breeder that has turned out to be extremely prolific - I currently have about 40 villagers and no structure to keep them in yet. If anyone wants a couple, feel free to come and take them - all I ask is that you build the rails to get them where they're going. I'll put in a redstone device soon to allow one to go through at a time, but until then, just try and keep them contained as best you can. I'm at 450, 290 which is just east of spawn.
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