Movie News & Miscellany

After watching the Nostalgia Critic review of Cool World, I want to see him take on Wizards. But you just know it'll be Malcolm as Elinore.

Now that that image is haunting your nightmares, my work here is done. :troll:
After watching the Nostalgia Critic review of Cool World, I want to see him take on Wizards. But you just know it'll be Malcolm as Elinore.

Now that that image is haunting your nightmares, my work here is done. :troll:
Did he not already review Wizards? Or maybe that was one of the other Channel Awesome people.


Staff member
Weird. This is like the third time in 2 days I've heard someone mention Wizards. And I'm pretty sure it's not just Baader-Meinhoff, either. I'd never even heard of that movie until a few days ago. I know Ralph Bakshi, but I didn't know the film.
No, it has nothing to do with frequency of occurence, that's the whole point of Baader-Meinhoff. That's why it's also called the frequency illusion.


Staff member
No, it has nothing to do with frequency of occurence, that's the whole point of Baader-Meinhoff. That's why it's also called the frequency illusion.
Wait ... are you trolling me or something? That's exactly the definition I gave right above you. And the way I used it in my original post.

My point is that I don't think it is just the illusion. My point is that I think it actually has come up more often the last few days.
My point is it doesn't really matter: because you just learned of it, you made particular note of it when it came up, which is the crux of Baader-Meinhoff which for some reason you keep ignoring. If you hadn't learned of it, you probably wouldn't have taken note of it, and the fact that Wizards came up would have disappeared like it never happened, like all the other times Wizards was mentioned and you never noticed.


Staff member
But ... that was the entire point of my original post. That I don't believe that to be the case here. I'm not ignoring that part of it--I'm specifically addressing it! Hell, there wouldn't have been any point in saying what I said if I was ignoring that aspect. But okay, we disagree. I don't really have the motivation to debate this.
Weird. This is like the third time in 2 days I've heard someone mention Wizards. And I'm pretty sure it's not just Baader-Meinhoff, either. I'd never even heard of that movie until a few days ago. I know Ralph Bakshi, but I didn't know the film.
Are you talking about the book "The Baader - Meinhoff Complex", the movie adaptation or the actual german RAF terrorists Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhoff?
And why?
When were we supposed to be mad at them?

Some people don't like Doug Walker because he's very demanding and assholeish when it comes to the running of his company, which personally I find is his prerogative. I don't know of any scandals beyond that, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was a pay dispute somewhere
Man, remember when youtuber drama was all about a boss that's a little demanding of his employees?

I miss the pre-nazi, ethnic supremacy, racist as shit drama days.
A couple years back when a whole bunch of folks left the site in a mess of high school level drama. I wasn't fans of any of them anyway, so I didn't really care at the time.
I'm a fan of some of them but I didn't see a need to pick a side. Didn't know there was a grudge going on.

I complain about some of Doug Walker's shit, but I still watch Nostalgia Critic. That show got better, enough so that many older episodes feel not worth watching, save a few standouts like the top 11 drug PSA's.
I have yet to hear anything directly quoted that Jontron said that actually sounds Nazi.
He wasn't, he just said some dumb shit that history text-books were anti-white propaganda, and recently he said some bull-shit about immigrants that got him fired from Yooka Laylee, which at least took gracefully.
I have yet to hear anything directly quoted that Jontron said that actually sounds Nazi.
Yeah, he can be a white supremacist and paranoid ethnocentric asshole without being a Nazi.

But if a quote popped up, I wouldn't be shocked either.[DOUBLEPOST=1490996864,1490996787][/DOUBLEPOST]
He wasn't, he just said some dumb shit that history text-books were anti-white propaganda, and recently he said some bull-shit about immigrants that got him fired from Yooka Laylee, which at least took gracefully.
I think you're downplaying it a little, but people calling him a Nazi are up-playing it a little.
Yeah, he can be a white supremacist and paranoid ethnocentric asshole without being a Nazi.

But if a quote popped up, I wouldn't be shocked either.[DOUBLEPOST=1490996864,1490996787][/DOUBLEPOST]

I think you're downplaying it a little, but people calling him a Nazi are up-playing it a little.
His views aren't nazi, they're white nationalist.

Most of these come from the interview he did, where he promptly put his foot directly in his mouth.

"Wealthy Blacks commit more crimes than poor whites, that's a fact."

"They [whites] are not being killed, they're being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it's okay because fuck white people."

"Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it's white people... I'm using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy."

"I don't recall Trump ever saying anything explicitly racist."

"We've gotten rid of discrimination in our western countries. If you don't think we've gotten rid of discrimination, you're living in a fantasy land."

The debate in full, if you want full source. It's long.

I don't pity Pewdiepie either. Despite the character he plays, he's not a moron. He knew better and did that shit anyway because he believed he was untouchable.
True, true. I said maybe given it was a prank and he supposedly doesn't believe that, but yeah he has freaking sponsors and shit.