DDO going Free!!

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Barbarian... Elf?

*has a mental image of a thin, lanky elf in a loincloth*

My barbarian is a short middle-eastern woman. Mahdis is the Persian word for "Moon-like" and the last name; Draesdaen is the name of the town she was born in (as was customary centuries, your surname was your home.) And Draesdaen is the name of a city I use a lot in my writings.


I'm guessing the queue was just a temporary thing because all of the servers were down. Cannith may have been the first one up, dunno.I got right in anyway.

Level 3 again already, saving up my action points. I wanna be a good healer.

Been running around with Mahdis, Fadey, Allihandra, Fiorad, and myself for a few hours and we all made good progress, Chibi definitely knows his way around the game.

...I think I'm forgetting one, but that may be the hireling, heh.

Having lots of fun, sleepies times now.

Dammit, looks like I'm doing the dragon quest, and all the other ones solo from now on, heh.
I finally got it up and going. It looks pretty cool. I don't know if I'll be on again tonight, but the name is Uldron.

Cuyval Dar

So are we definitely switching to Cannith? I don't really care, as this is only going to be an occasional thing.
I can't keep track of where you guys are. Mr. ZM rolled on Sarlona with me so I'm sticking there. If I decide to make an alt maybe it'll be on Cannith.
YAY, got my code! Started on Cannith. Made 2 characters right away. Ulrika Leonora (human paladin) and Izuela Liodis (elf sorceress). Might reroll them if I don't like the classes, but will keep their first names.

Is it considered better to multiclass or sticking with one class? I was thinking of giving the paladin a few levels in either fighter or cleric, or sticking with pure pally. Whatever is better in the end. Same with the sorceress only with a few levels in either rogue or hunter.
i'm sticking on sarlona, too, since that's where my stepson rolled, and we'll probably ben playing the most together. I really don't like too much high-level help to get though instances, either..i always feel unsatisfied if I'm just run through something.
Yeah, I was more talking about having high levels who've played the game longer, giving you tips while you played/made characters. Not exactly the power leveling it seemed like I was coming across with.
So, no one want to make me an account?

Well i'm going to bed, but if anyone want to, just put in

Name: Aratura Bubuit, dob: 01.01.1981, mail: a_bubuit at yahoo dot com, account name: mps.4li3n, pass 123456 (i'll be changing it if it works, and none of the info is legit, so no need to censor it)

So, no one willing to help out?!
First of all, that's not enough info to make an account. We need a community name (should be different than your user name) and password as well.

Second of all, stop whining. It really doesn't make us want to help you more.
First of all, that's not enough info to make an account. We need a community name (should be different than your user name) and password as well.

Second of all, stop whining. It really doesn't make us want to help you more.
The community name fields aren't marked as required... and 4li3n works as a community name... keep the pass the same, easier to change then.
Account is made. You need to get one of these downloads.

Download Turbine Manager here (Fastest option)

Download Standard Resolution here (Normal looking graphics, 2.8 Gigs)

Download High Resolution here (Best looking option, 3.8 gigs)


Staff member
I actually agree with you Shego. Chibi's friend last night was being nice and helpful with Bard advice. Which I appreciate, don't get me wrong. But there's also that feeling that it takes some of the fun of finding out for yourself out of the game. The problem with advice from long-playing players is that they tend to think there's only one good way to do something. Also, I know nothing about the Waterworks, because we went through so quickly, I don't even know what the story was. Again, I totally appreciate the help and the xp, but I did miss the story.
I actually agree with you Shego. Chibi's friend last night was being nice and helpful with Bard advice. Which I appreciate, don't get me wrong. But there's also that feeling that it takes some of the fun of finding out for yourself out of the game. The problem with advice from long-playing players is that they tend to think there's only one good way to do something. Also, I know nothing about the Waterworks, because we went through so quickly, I don't even know what the story was. Again, I totally appreciate the help and the xp, but I did miss the story.

Yup..that's the exact kind of thing I was referring to. I joined a pickup group that had a couple level 5's, and we blazed through the waterworks on hard. I don't even know anything about it other than "hey, there are kobolds in the sewer which we can kill, yay!" and "Hey, there are instances inside of this instance, which can seem confusing. Yay!" and "Wow, if I stop to type something, these guys are three rooms ahead of me. I might as well just sit here and collect free xp...uh, yay?"

While I appreciate the xp run, I am looking forward to actually visiting the place and sussing it out for myself on my own timetable.
Account is made. You need to get one of these downloads.

Download Turbine Manager here (Fastest option)

Download Standard Resolution here (Normal looking graphics, 2.8 Gigs)

Download High Resolution here (Best looking option, 3.8 gigs)
Thank dude... i already d/l those last week, the nice thing was that you can just d/l the first one and then let it d/l the rest in the background...

BTW, which 2 are the European servers? All i could find is that they're named after Eberron deities, but i only know Khyber...
I actually agree with you Shego. Chibi's friend last night was being nice and helpful with Bard advice. Which I appreciate, don't get me wrong. But there's also that feeling that it takes some of the fun of finding out for yourself out of the game. The problem with advice from long-playing players is that they tend to think there's only one good way to do something. Also, I know nothing about the Waterworks, because we went through so quickly, I don't even know what the story was. Again, I totally appreciate the help and the xp, but I did miss the story.

Yup..that's the exact kind of thing I was referring to. I joined a pickup group that had a couple level 5's, and we blazed through the waterworks on hard. I don't even know anything about it other than "hey, there are kobolds in the sewer which we can kill, yay!" and "Hey, there are instances inside of this instance, which can seem confusing. Yay!" and "Wow, if I stop to type something, these guys are three rooms ahead of me. I might as well just sit here and collect free xp...uh, yay?"

While I appreciate the xp run, I am looking forward to actually visiting the place and sussing it out for myself on my own timetable.[/QUOTE]

Kobolds are treated as second class citizens in Stormreach, to the point where they mainly live in the sewers and waterworks. They are still allowed up on the streets however, as long as they don't cause any trouble (This is why one is working as a bouncer in the Wayward Lobster and one is gathering holy items near the blacksmith). However, the ones living in the sewers have claimed it as their territory and attack anyone who goes in. THOSE kobolds are jerks.
Anyonelse annoyed you can only play different shades of "Good". Where's my "Chaotic Evil" alignment choice damnit?!
That did annoy me. I also wish I could play as a Kobold, considering how core they are to the setting and how stereotypically evil races are often quite different in Eberron.


Yea. I wonder about that. no evil allow at all :(

as for power leveling, there is no power level in DDO. If the levels in your party is greater than 3, you get no exp so if a level 1 is being run by level 5, you get no exp at all. Also if a quest is too low for a character, you get no exp either. Some quest giver require base level to take on (usually utpo 3 levels also).

What I do offer is knowledge of the game and resources. The only reason I suggest cannith (and some did go there) is that I don't know how many of y'all will be playing for a long time. I don't have a max character yet and trying to get at least 1 character to 1750 favor (unlock 32 point build character) which takes a long while (about a year or so since you have to get a lot of quest in elite mode)

Also since Cannith is new, they do not allow character transfer, so the economy is still pretty balance. You don't see some insane prices (well you always see some) but at least a lot of players are being realistic.
Anyonelse annoyed you can only play different shades of "Good". Where's my "Chaotic Evil" alignment choice damnit?!
Yes! I keep picking the bitchiest conversation choices in hope it'll skew me towards evil or at least neutral, but I guess that only works in Mass Effect. :eek:rly:

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

Also since Cannith is new, they do not allow character transfer, so the economy is still pretty balance. You don't see some insane prices (well you always see some) but at least a lot of players are being realistic.
Now that I have it running beautifully on my laptop, I will probably hedge my bet by rolling a cleric on Cannith.


Staff member
Edrondol the Sneaky on Cannith. I played him for a good while last night and was almost level 3 when I finished. Warforged thief. Sweet!
I really wish I could find time to play this between my WoW/TF2/S.T.A.L.K.E.R playing.... it really seems like I could get into it if I could just play it for a few hours.

Maybe tonight....
I know the feeling... any time I can get on to play, it seems no one is around. At night I have CoH commitments or I'm just plain tired.


weekends I'll try to be on weird hours. Weekdays usually at night until 11pm (central time) give or take.


No worries. I am probably going to level up my monk/ranger to match the guild and then continue leveling allihandra higher so she can find stuff FOR the guild.

I'm sure y'all would like a rapier of pure good rather than trying to buy one for 2million gold ;)
I know the feeling... any time I can get on to play, it seems no one is around. At night I have CoH commitments or I'm just plain tired.
If I just cut out my TF2 time, that'd be 3-4hrs of extra time I could put into DDO, but the problem I think I'm having the most is running more than one MMO at a time. Every minute I'm on DDO, I'm thinking of stuff that needs doing on WoW. :explode:

I'm sure y'all would like a rapier of pure good rather than trying to buy one for 2million gold ;)
You get me a Staff of Pure Evil and I'm sold :slywink:


Staff member
I've been playing here and there. I have night time commitments to family, Fade, and research, though.


Staff member
Meh, I am now looking at this as a whnever I might have a little spare time, if even then kinda thing. Playing it more, it is interesting and a bit fun, but jsut not enough for me to overtake anything else I am playing now.

My free time for gaming is limited outside of other fun things I do, and this isnt that high on the list compared to other games that compete for said time.


Staff member
I've come to the conclusion that this game is even easier than WoW or CoH, and that's saying something. I soloed most of the Korthos wilderness with a 2 Wizard on normal. Nac's Cold Ray makes it a snap. Poof poof poof. All dead in one hit.
yeah...i had a hard time soloing in stormreach as a lvl 2 mage on Argonnessen back before DDO went free. But they didn't have some of the amenities that they have now, like easy to get lower-level hirelings, so it might be easier now.
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