Halforums, what's the saddest thing?

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Staff member
When I found out my wife of 16 years may have had an affair and now I don't trust her any more.

Steven Soderburgin

Fun Size, Fun Size, Fun Size....

The saddest thing is a retarded man crying and promising a broken egg that it will still be a chicken someday.

And that they'll play together in a field when it gets better.


Staff member
The saddest thing is when a sweet-looking old grandma takes her granddaughter to an ice cream shop and eats an entire banana split in front of her, while telling her that her parents have left the country forever, her dog died, and there's no Santa.


Staff member
The saddest thing is when a sweet-looking old grandma takes her granddaughter to an ice cream shop and eats an entire banana split in front of her, while telling her that her parents have left the country forever, her dog died, and there's no Santa.
Lying bitch! Telling that kid there's no Santa? Why would she lie like that?
The saddest thing is when the toilet from an abandoned space station falls back to earth, lands upside-down on a child who was playing alone in the backyard, and smooshes them into the shape of half a hard-boiled egg.

Or I could just ban you. Which would be easier when you look at it from a time/cost perspective.:paranoid:
Amazingly sad picture of two dogs.
When I was 13 or 14 my parents and sister went to the mall and I stayed home. We lived in a rural area (farm land and wooded areas around) and when my folks got home, my Mom was shaking and sobbing. Apparently, my mom was driving and hit a dog that had run out of a dark wooded area. She had swerved to miss it (but too late) and when she swerved back to avoid an oncoming car she hit another dog that it had been chasing apparently.

Dogs had no tags and there were no nearby houses to see if they belonged to anyone.

Occasional Poster

I don't know what the saddest thing is, but I've heard from reliable sources that love is the sweetest thing. Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing.


Good lord people. What are you trying to accomplish here?

Dave - Stay strong man.
The saddest thing is an old bag lady, freezing to death in the snow on Christmas Eve, and the last thing she sees is a family in a nice warm diner getting beheaded by the Taliban.


Staff member
The saddest thing is a little girl who is told by her own mother and father that she will never be pretty.

And then they open the front door, and on the porch is a little white suitcase, with all of her things in it.
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