If it gets out this is profitable, the US is finished.

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Peruvian authorities say they have arrested four members of a gang that specialized in selling fat obtained from dead humans.

Officials are investigating the disappearance of at least 60 people who may have been killed by gang members in two mountainous states in central Peru, the nation's attorney general said in a release Wednesday.

The four suspects have been charged with murder.

Two of the suspects were arrested November 3 as they left a transport business with a plastic container with human fat in it.

The fat was sold in Peru and Europe and used for commercial purposes, Peruvian officials said.
They could make a living by harvesting Nebraska Wal-Mart patrons...


Staff member
Two posts. That was about how long I figured it would take. NOT leaving disappointed!


yikes. I better lose some weight before visiting Peru. (One of the places my wife wants to go)


Staff member
Well that's one place I can't go for another year or so. I read about this over the weekend. How spooky.

I said, "It's like Fight Club," and then I had to explain the movie Fight Club to my mother.
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