Today is my 21st Birthday.

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Le Quack

Keep the Drunk/wasted thread somewhere I can reach it for later? Thanks :)


Staff member
Many congratulatory statements on the anniversary of your intermaternal evacuation ;)

Also, remember that in most European countries you could drink alcohol at age 18. So you have to catch up on that headstart :p


happy birthday dude

someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc

jjst neesd more stormtroopers now

maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?
happy birthday dude

someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc

jjst neesd more stormtroopers now

maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]

lose enogh

you love that quote button huh?
glad to be of service

*quotes 2 page post*

*adds 3 words*

*is a chazwozel*[/QUOTE]

Methinks Ame is a bit drunk.


happy birthday dude

someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc

jjst neesd more stormtroopers now

maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]

lose enogh

you love that quote button huh?
glad to be of service

*quotes 2 page post*

*adds 3 words*

*is a chazwozel*[/quote]

Methinks Ame is a bit drunk.[/quote]
*look sI'm a czah!

yes I am

.. I ad to fix that 32 times an I know tis' wtill wrong but i djust dont ;giuv a fuck[/quote]

You know I tend to think that people who type random bullshit gibberish and claim they do so because they're drunk are usually not. I honestly don't know one person who "slurs" their typing when they're drunk all that much.
happy birthday dude

someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc

jjst neesd more stormtroopers now

maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]

lose enogh

you love that quote button huh?
glad to be of service

*quotes 2 page post*

*adds 3 words*

*is a chazwozel*[/quote]

Methinks Ame is a bit drunk.[/quote]
*look sI'm a czah!

yes I am

.. I ad to fix that 32 times an I know tis' wtill wrong but i djust dont ;giuv a fuck[/quote]

You know I tend to think that people who type random bullshit gibberish and claim they do so because they're drunk are usually not. I honestly don't know one person who "slurs" their typing when they're drunk all that much.[/QUOTE]

From that, I can guess you weren't around when I was drunk last weekend.


Happy birthday
I wish you all your dreams comes true. Do not attend more call on your birthday. Remember Jesus on this day.
Happy birthday
I wish you all your dreams comes true. Do not attend more call on your birthday. Remember Jesus on this day.
...wha... aat?
I mean, I've had a few drinks. Don't get me wrong but... I'm more than a little confused by this post.
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