IBM Recreate Cat's Brain Inside Computer

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Well, as artificial intelligences go, it's no HAL, but it's definitely a step closer than we've ever been before. IBM researchers have reportedly simulated the cerebral cortex of a cat using 147,456 processors and 144 terabytes of memory. This latest simulation, following on from 2007's simulation of a rat brain, isn't an exact copy of an actual cat cortex: It runs 100 times slower than the real thing, for one thing. Scientists created the virtual cortex as part of an ongoing study into how to make virtual intelligence more able to handle ambiguity and fuzzy data, and IBM Research's manager of cognitive computing, Dharmendra Modha, believes that his team are a decade away from being able to create a virtual human brain... at which point, we're all going to be living in Tron.
HAL's bells: IBM makes 'thinking computer' breakthrough []


Wow 147456 processors and 144 Terabyte of memory for a Cat brain?

It is amazing how powerful the human brain can be. note I said "can be" cause there are a bunch of stupid people out there who are not utilizing it ;)


Staff member
You know how they can tell it worked? It started shedding, lying around all day and pooped in their shoes.

They would have done a gerbil's brain, but Richard Gere complained at the size of the machine.


You know how they can tell it worked? It started shedding, lying around all day and pooped in their shoes.

They would have done a gerbil's brain, but Richard Gere complained at the size of the machine.
LOL. I figure the computer will start to generate "piss virus" and just own everything it touches ;)


Staff member
If it just ignores them I guess it's a success.:p
*sigh* Some days I wish for cats that just ignore me. My sister's cat, who got pawned off on us because my sister is a busy college student, loves me. The cat shouts at my door to get me to come out and greet her. Doesn't matter if someone else is awake to get her stuff, she wants me to do it. Sometimes all she wants is for me to see her, nothing else. I'm supposed to wake up, come to my door, say "Hi Miranda" and then let her run away. It's like some sort of mixed-up cat version of ding-dong -ditch. I'm her favorite thing in the whole wide world, and she's very posessive.

You know how they can tell it worked? It started shedding, lying around all day and pooped in their shoes.
You forgot barfing. If it doesn't throw-up, it's not a cat.


Staff member
Wow. They've pushed the curve back significantly. The last I heard, MIT's AI experts predicted full sentience by 2040.

I've been writing a sci-fi story based on the rapid expansion of computer power. The basic premise is that it's a mistake to assume that, say, FTL travel must go hand in hand with computer power. What if we were visited by a species who could travel FTL, but had at best rudimentary computers? They'd be on the 1931 Ford Model A equivalent of a spaceship, but they'd have managed to create the right source of power. It'd be like us in WWII mucking with radar when we had little understanding of how it worked. Or those sophisticated mechanical bomb sight "computers" used on the big bombers.


Staff member
Wow. They've pushed the curve back significantly. The last I heard, MIT's AI experts predicted full sentience by 2040.
They might make that deadline. Look how far computers have come in the last 30 years. Another 30 years of innovation could produce some amazing things. Of course, that will mean we'll need to get an Old Glory Insurance policy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I meant they may make it early.


Staff member
What if it got depressed? Appliance therapy would become a booming industry.

Yeesh, imagine all the ethics. I know scifi writers have explored the hell out of it, but I imagine the truth will be stranger than fiction.
What if it got depressed? Appliance therapy would become a booming industry.

Yeesh, imagine all the ethics. I know scifi writers have explored the hell out of it, but I imagine the truth will be stranger than fiction.
I think the next weird step is for a human to fall in love with said appliance. Jeez.


What if it got depressed? Appliance therapy would become a booming industry.

Yeesh, imagine all the ethics. I know scifi writers have explored the hell out of it, but I imagine the truth will be stranger than fiction.
I think the next weird step is for a human to fall in love with said appliance. Jeez.[/QUOTE]

Well, if the AI is that good, how can you tell apart? To some people, our bodies are just a complex bio-machine instead of "metal" machine type.
Well, if the AI is that good, how can you tell apart? To some people, our bodies are just a complex bio-machine instead of "metal" machine type.
Those realistic dolls also look good, but doesn't mean I'm going to go all Lars for my toaster.

I really see this as a potential problem. The more technology advances the more people will disassociate with reality.


Well, if the AI is that good, how can you tell apart? To some people, our bodies are just a complex bio-machine instead of "metal" machine type.
Those realistic dolls also look good, but doesn't mean I'm going to go all Lars for my toaster.

I really see this as a potential problem. The more technology advances the more people will disassociate with reality.[/QUOTE]

I can see as advance as "Ghost in the Shell" type. You have androids and some really advance AI (which practically are human except without a "ghost" as they call it) I mean at that point how can you tell if you are dating a cyborg or an AI in short of cutting him/her up and scan his/her brain ;)
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