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Today is the 16th birthday of my youngest. This leads me to the following "Kill Me" moments.

  1. She's now of the age of consent. Kill me.
  2. She is now able to legally drive. Kill me.
  3. Car insurance. Empty my bank account and THEN Kill me.



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*pat pat pat*

If the youngest is almost an adult, at least that means you're coming up on having the house to yourself again soon.


Staff member
Almost 2 hours. Took longer than I thought.

And I thought her FB page was blocked. Hmm...
It is..... :twisted:

Sorry for the delay though, I was out running errands/putting in job applications/getting back from the gym.


Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)
Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)

or idk, maybe you could realize her sexuality isn't something you possess, it's her sexuality. Or you could get your parenting advice from Bad Boys 2 and Michael Bay, whatev


Staff member
Or trust her.

Just not the boys who are interested in nothing more than how far they can get.

And Shego.


or idk, maybe you could realize her sexuality isn't something you possess, it's her sexuality. Or you could get your parenting advice from Bad Boys 2 and Michael Bay, whatev
Or you could realize that kids make stupid mistakes and the last thing Dave probably wants is a 16 year old daughter who gets knocked up. Not saying she would make that mistake but since its a common error amongst teenagers..

And honestly, at least personally, I don't think teenagers even at that age should be having sex. I mean at least wait till college or something. Yea I know, most teenagers only care about that during that period of their lives. *shrug*

Btw the double standards of our society are bullshit, I mean take Dave for example, I bet (and this is a guess plz dont take this as fact) that when his son is a teenager and totally obsessed with girls, if his son got laid he'd probably give him a high five and buy him a beer, but he worries about his daughter having sex. Which is true for most fathers who have children of both gender, its just better for both genders to wait a few years when they have just a little bit more wisdom under their belts.
Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)

or idk, maybe you could realize her sexuality isn't something you possess, it's her sexuality. Or you could get your parenting advice from Bad Boys 2 and Michael Bay, whatev[/QUOTE]

You honestly think protective parenting is new enough to have been influenced at all by Bad Boys 2 and Michael Bay?

I mean I get that you hate Michael Bay for his movies but the guy isn't the anti-christ.
Oh jeeze. I think Dave trusts her more than that... they have a pretty strong bond from what I have seen from the forums.


Staff member
The fact that I let her see me as a person and not just Dad should be an indication.

She's probably smarter than I am about the way things are. When I was her age I was a geek. A sporty geek but a geek.


Staff member
Now can I give you some unsolicited advice about your daughter's sex life? Is that what this line is for? *takes a number*
Help me find the line then, CG. I, too, am perfectly qualified to give advice on daughters. I know a guy who has one. Hell, I am a daughter!

I feel like I fell through a time portal to a few months ago....

JESUS FUCKING JESUS it's dave's kid let him deal with it whatever situation that may or may not even come up!

also, if shego were a dude this thread would be going in a completely different direction.



You know what's scarier? In slightly over two years, I'll be old enough to legally have sex with someone half my age.

...though maybe I only think that's scarier cuz I don't have kids.
I feel like I fell through a time portal to a few months ago....

JESUS FUCKING JESUS it's dave's kid let him deal with it whatever situation that may or may not even come up!

also, if shego were a dude this thread would be going in a completely different direction.
I was more saying that Mav's stuff was stupid than saying Dave should do x. And I know Michael Bay didn't start it, that's just the most idiotic recent example of glorifying that sort of dumb bullshit I could think of.

And no, I still think Shego is creepy as fuck, I'm just not bringing it up since everyone here loves her wacky antics.
I feel like I fell through a time portal to a few months ago....

JESUS FUCKING JESUS it's dave's kid let him deal with it whatever situation that may or may not even come up!

also, if shego were a dude this thread would be going in a completely different direction.



Watch it, mister. :angry:


For her 16th birthday, you should buy her a handgun so she can adequately defend herself against the entirety of the male gender (and certain select members of the female gender too). Even if it's not her birthday, there's no such thing as too late in gifting a handgun. It's an investment that will last at least a century, if you clean it properly and don't do anything dumb. It's also one that will never lose its value, as long as you have ammunition.
I recommend anything in the 9mm to .45ACP range. Don't get glocks though, they tend to explode or discharge when dropped. A Desert Eagle in the .50BMG is probably a better idea, especially with the extended clips and tiger stripes. The extended clip will allow her to deal with multiple assailants while the tiger stripes will give it more stopping power. If she finds the recoil a teensy bit too much or the pistol a little too heavy, she could always try packing a smaller handgun, either a single-stack SIG, compact USP or XD, or despite my dislike for them, a small-framed snub revolver (.357mag preferred)

If you have any further questions on how to arm your posterity, I'm your Swedish diplomat.
Well, yes, if Iaculus had said that instead of Shego, it'd be creepy.

That said, I managed to refrain from making a joke about that "you're fucked" line up there.

Also, why are we discussing whether or not she'll make a mistake and/or have sex? She's of legal age now, whoopdiedoo, but either she's responsible enough not to hop into bed with a random guy, in which it doesn't matter that she's a bit older, or she IS stupid enough to get a random guy stuck in her, and in that case, she probably didn't care for that little thingie called the law, either.

Honestly, if/when she decides to have sex, as long as it's responsible and with someone not completely horrible, it's pretty much her decision.
All I can say is, be sure to keep your relation good enough that she feels comfortable asking for money for condoms, and/or buy her the pill. If she doesn't need them, good for you, if she does, you'll be happy she uses them.

So where's the line for helping her catch up to this girl?
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