Heh, still got it.

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So normal unemployed afternoon for me. I go to Wal-Mart this morning to buy the usual embarrassing crap. Tampons for the wife. Propecia for me. Anyway, on the way home fucking WIlson Philips comes on the radio. Being a Harold and Kumar fan, I start singing along. Well a Jeep full of college age babes pulls in at the intersection next to me. I sang for a good minute or so before realizing they were watching and listening to me.

"Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more.....awww shit...."

So they're laughing at me. The one girl says I'm cute and have a lovely singing voice. Asks me for my number.

I smile and do the ol' point at the wedding band maneuver, but tell her I'm flattered.

Damn it feels good to get macked on by women a solid 5 years younger than you.


Staff member
Wilson Philips? I don't care how many babes you picked up. Man Card. Desk. Now.


Staff member
Wilson Philips huh? Makes me wonder

A) how old they actually were
B) how serious they were

But either way, it's always a pretty decent feeling when a girl all wants your stuff.
Reverse is true for me, I get woman older than I who try to pick me up. Anywhere from five years to double or triple my age. *cringe*
I was in the bar I hang out in most, and there was this unattractive woman my age hitting on these 21 year olds. She looked like she was hot at one time 20-25 years ago. Like the woman that has seen too much donuts, whiskey and cigarettes. The guys that she was all touchy-feely on were grossed out but too polite to shoot her down.

After she left them for a few minutes, I tell one of them, "There are things she can teach you that none of these girls know..."

He yells back. "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW IT THEN!"


Staff member

Old ladies hit on the fellow at work. He's even been pinched on the ass by some 60-something chick. :confused: And then during one shift, a girl at his table stood up, threw out her chest at him, and said, "Do my tits look real???" To which he responded (so say his coworkers) "Uh, *gulp*, um, well, uh, sure?"
I went to a Vast concert at the behest of my roommate, and while there we saw this group of 3 35-40 years old women rubbing all up on these two guys who were probably in their early 20's. The women left after whispering something to the guys, and within a minute of them wandering off (likely to the restroom), the guys looked at each other, laughed and bolted for the exit.


Wilson Philips huh? Makes me wonder

A) how old they actually were
B) how serious they were

But either way, it's always a pretty decent feeling when a girl all wants your stuff.

Mid 20's, they had a local university sticker on the window.

She was writing her number down, so I dunno...

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

Wilson Philips? I don't care how many babes you picked up. Man Card. Desk. Now.

It was on the radio man! On the radio!!!!!!!

Wasabi Poptart

Maybe they thought you would make a good Carnie Wilson for their sorority talent show. :rofl:


Similar thing happened to me at a party, closer to my age though. And the song was Take on me... I miss hitting those notes.
People stick sharp objects in their ears when I sing.

I have a story, but it's not like that at all. I was late for class one day and I am flying in my car. Every light was red all the way there. So, I was pissed by the time I get to the parking lot. There was spittle on the windshield. I get to this crosswalk and this college girl is taking her sweet time walking across. I start ranting and raving and cussing up a storm. She whips her head around in my direction and has a stunned look on her face. I realize I had my window down. She stands there as if she is expecting an apology or something. I just ask her if she is waiting for a written invitation to get the hell out of the way. I am like Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde when I get behind the wheel. :eek:

She offered me her number too.;)


Staff member
People stick sharp objects in their ears when I sing.

I have a story, but it's not like that at all. I was late for class one day and I am flying in my car. Every light was red all the way there. So, I was pissed by the time I get to the parking lot. There was spittle on the windshield. I get to this crosswalk and this college girl is taking her sweet time walking across. I start ranting and raving and cussing up a storm. She whips her head around in my direction and has a stunned look on her face. I realize I had my window down. She stands there as if she is expecting an apology or something. I just ask her if she is waiting for a written invitation to get the hell out of the way. I am like Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde when I get behind the wheel. :eek:

She offered me her number too.;)
Her number isn't "1". She was just flipping you off.
People stick sharp objects in their ears when I sing.

I have a story, but it's not like that at all. I was late for class one day and I am flying in my car. Every light was red all the way there. So, I was pissed by the time I get to the parking lot. There was spittle on the windshield. I get to this crosswalk and this college girl is taking her sweet time walking across. I start ranting and raving and cussing up a storm. She whips her head around in my direction and has a stunned look on her face. I realize I had my window down. She stands there as if she is expecting an apology or something. I just ask her if she is waiting for a written invitation to get the hell out of the way. I am like Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde when I get behind the wheel. :eek:

She offered me her number too.;)
Her number isn't "1". She was just flipping you off.[/quote]

She didn't really offer me a number, but she did recommend a place for a nice vacation!
This story makes me regret the fact that the only two songs I know the words to are the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Amish Paradise.
Most epic karaoke moment I've ever had was studying abroad in Japan. Me, some American/UK buddies, and some Japanese friends were doing a Disney showtunes list; except when it got to mine, mine was in Japanese--not English.

So I ended up singing "Heaven's Light" in Japanese on the fly, reading the lyrics off the screen, and had the Japanese girl hanging off me by the end of the night. Good times.
My mother loves that song, Chaz. I, too, know all the words. I'm just trying to decide whether, if I were in those girls' situation, if I would have asked you for your number or not. Hopefully, by the time we made it to the next light, our musical soulmate-ness would have shone through.

Wilson Phillips? :eek:

Wilson Phillips followed by Motley Crue? :hump:
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