Who Does Obama's Mom Look Like to you?

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It looks almost exactly like someone famous to me, but I won't say who cause I want to know it it's an influence sort of thing. Like, if you don't hear it from me you'll see it by yourself.


Say, she looks kind of like... A G-G-G-G-GHOST?

Oh, no, wait, that's just a black and white photograph. Still, I'm pretty sure I had a soul prior to looking at that, and 'now' where is it? If phantoms aren't responsible I don't know who to blame, really.
And in other news, Birthers all over spontaneously combust in glee upon hearing that Obama may actually be British.
The photo they chose for that animated gif doesn't make the similarity justice, but I couldn't help laughing my ass off the first time someone showed me that.

The problem is they showed it to me saying something like "look, is obama's mom Paul himself?"... I wanted to know if people arrived to that similarity without that push towards it. They did.

Yea, I'd seen that picture before and thought, "Man, she looks like Paul", but in other pictures not really nearly as much.
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