I can predict the future!!

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Okay, so EVERYONE says my son looks like Ralphie from A Christmas Story. Poor kid has gotten it his whole life (esp. this time of year). Well I looked up Peter Billingsley, the actor who portrayed Ralphie. I found out he's been doing a lot, especially producing. Anyway, I was looking for an up-to-date photo, which I found on IMDB. Pretty good looking dude. But the photo struck me as really familiar. So I went back to my archives, and SIX YEARS AGO before my son was born, before anyone said anything about Ralphie, I had composited (crudely) the photos of my wife and me. The similarity is eerie. No making fun of my photo--I gained a little "sympathy weight" when my wife was pregnant--and I had rare short hair for interviewing.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: The photo on the left in Peter Billingsley, and the one on the right is the photoshopped composite of my wife and me.



Staff member
Yeah...that was the whole point. It's right there in the OP.

EDIT: Whoops. That was supposed to quote Green_Lantern. Guess I hit the wrong button.


Staff member
Yeah...that was the whole point. It's right there in the OP.

EDIT: Whoops. That was supposed to quote Green_Lantern. Guess I hit the wrong button.
Sorry, I don't know how i could have missed that part. :confused:

I need to get my eyes checked. (Actually literal, this glasses is like 3 years old).
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