Hi there! (DAMA) (don't ask me anything)

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Hey! I'm really good friends with Charlie Don't Surf (I am putting that apostrophe in there, I don't give any kind of shit) IRL as the kids say, and from another forum we both post on. I have watched him post things and read over his shoulder while hanging out with him, and he told me today you guys have flash games now, so I was intrigued! :O

For a little personal info, I am recently 23 years old, have lived in Texas all my life, and am a photography major at a university here. I would like to move up to Boston when I graduate, but I might move to Austin instead because of financial paranoia.

I GUESS you can ask me things if you want, but I do not guarantee that I will answer! I don't need people knowing all my bidness!

(But really though, I don't actually care that much, I am just making jokes, do whatever.)

((However, I still make no promises.))
Her avatar is actually a birthday avatar from said other forum from her birthday (12/27). That's why the ghost is so happy and has a present :) She wasn't kidding about the recently 23 part!


Staff member
I'll keep checking back. ;) Also, what types of photography do you like to do the most? Do you like to photograph people more, or nature, or objetcs?...


Okay, I've thought of a couple of moments that were, at the very least, funny at the time.

A few of us were playing Beatles Rock Band and after singing all the weird-ass lyrics of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds," Charlie turns to the room and yells "WHAT IS THAT SONG ABOUT??"

Upon moving to Austin and seeing someone on a bicycle on a regular street, Charlie yelled from the back seat of the car we were all in "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??" to which I turned to him and replied, "It's a bicycle." Now to be fair, he had just moved from an area where it was not quite such a regular occurrence for people to ride their bicycles all over the place. But it was still funny.

I'll keep checking back. ;) Also, what types of photography do you like to do the most? Do you like to photograph people more, or nature, or objetcs?...
As far as what I want for a career, I want to do portrait and event photography. Since the degree I'm getting is a fine art degree, for my artistic work, I primarily focus on identity and perception by dressing myself up as different people and taking photographs of myself. I have also used this strategy to a lesser degree to explore ideas of the internet and separation. I do have a website, but I would rather not post a link as it has my full name. Sorry!


Staff member
That's cool, I understand. It sounds like young Charles is prone to flipping out over strange things...


That's cool, I understand. It sounds like young Charles is prone to flipping out over strange things...
lol "Young Charles"

Does he yell a lot?

Have you found a favorite arcade game yet?

What type/genre of video games do you prefer playing?

What type of video games do you absolutely suck at?[/QUOTE]

He yells much more and much louder when he is uproariously drunk.

The only arcade game I've played so far is Burger Restaurant while I was doing laundry today (I had lots to do today), but I liked that alright! Got about halfway through before I couldn't keep up with orders anymore, which is much better than I thought I would do.

I generally like RPGs, but I've been trying to get better at shooters lately (that should answer your last question :p). Right now, I am all about Dragon Age: Origins. Been playing the hell outta dat game. I have been trying to hone my FPS skills with Fallout 3 and BioShock. Mass Effect is one of my favorite video games and I can't wait for the sequel.

Will you deliver pimp slaps on request? ;)
I do not hit Charlie, he is my friend, why would I do that? :(
Did you have a good birthday?

Based on reading over Charlie's shoulder, do you find us creepy? And if so, do you find us more or less creepy than other forums and/or Internet hangouts?
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