Tom attacks Finland. Nobody cares.

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Tony "Viking" Halme found dead.

Former heavy weight boxer, pro wrestler under the alias Ludvig Borga, the guy who played Roman in Die Hard, and former MP for the True Finns party is dead, apparently by his own hand. Tabloids are making a big deal about it, nobody else gives a damn. Why? Because the guy was generally considered a real class-act:
- Making an ear-bleeding cover song about how he's going to beat up people in bars.
- Generally proclaiming himself to be one of the few 'real men' about who don't use drugs - then getting arrested for possession of drugs.
- Possessing and firing an illegal firearm as a result of a family quarrel - and getting elected to the Parliament soon after.
- Acting in Finnish movies that were so bad they didn't last a week in theatres - and tanked in DVD sales.
- Calling the President of Finland a lesbian in his very first speech in Parliament.

I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that this guy might go the way of Michael Jackson; the few news sources that have actually registered his passing seem to just go 'meh' on his old escapades and say he was a nice guy. Schyeah... :rolleyes:

Rest in peace, you lumbering windbag.

Halme as his WWF alter ego, Ludvig Borga (1989-1997)

The music video for Halme's single Viikinki. Watch only when heavily sedated to avoid permanent brain damage. And thank God you don't understand the lyrics...


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(Sorry, we have more than enough douchebags in America to look out for that we don't need to import Finnish douchebags, too.)


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Well, I just thought somebody might recognize him. After all, he did wrestle in the WWF. AND he played Roman in Die Hard :p


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Die Hard: With a Vengeance

That explains it. An unknown actor in a movie hardly anyone saw.

Sorry, man. As a non-WWF watching guy I just plain had no idea who this guy is. Sounds like a real charmer, though.
Ah, that's why I didn't recognize him. He was in the third Die Hard. I kept trying to place him in the first one and failed miserably.

Carry on.

Edit: I await the ninja prevention add on as well Dave!
I remember him. He had a delicious run in the WWF where they tried so hard to make him the super evil foreigner, but put him against Lex Luger, then being portrayed as the American Golden boy. Fortunately the fans hated Luger with a passion and all cheered for Ludvig Borga. There was even delicious irony when they had Borga remake the Crying Indian adds then promptly obliterate the native American stereotype of the era.

Then he got injured, left wrestling, went to MMA got slaughtered by Captain America and returned to Finnland and aparently went insane.


No one knows the 3rd Die Hard, I would have to put that one as good as the first for me, (don't gut me for it), and way better than the second. Though I didn't recongize him at first because i was thinking of the first one but i seem to remeber him from the last one.

Zumbo Prime

He made me laugh, that's for sure. Even rivals The Schwartzeneger in that letter.


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He looks so ... angry in that video (in the OP). He also looks like a musclehead.
Well, considering that the music video is about him beating up the hosts of Jyrki, a then-popular youth music video program, making faces while Shatnerizing lyrics, and generally singing about how manly he is (like having an "Exit Only" tattoo on his ass, how real men don't eat salad or how he is "the bull", and everyone else is "the shit")... yeah, pretty much.

Seriously, those were just part of the lyrics. Be glad you don't know the rest.
No one knows the 3rd Die Hard, I would have to put that one as good as the first for me, (don't gut me for it), and way better than the second. Though I didn't recongize him at first because i was thinking of the first one but i seem to remeber him from the last one.
I think most people will agree it was better then the 2nd... you're crazy if you think anything is better then the first.

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