Ted is God

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It was recently suggested to me that I add a friend on facebook thanks to the wonderful suggestion tool. I thought I would take a look at it and I was greeted with this man...

His name is Ted More, though in his youtube he claims it is Ted Kurtz while talking to the police. His interests are all the phrase : "My Internet Site is http://www.tedisgod.org and this and tells much of this there"
I read parts of his site and watched some of his youtube videos and it's just so odd I thought I'd share it with you lucky people.


I... my mind... it's like looking into a crazy persons brain barfed out in type. I thank your sir Twitch for this.
I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page. for the love of Ted do not read his page.

9 Humans of Wevild Earth SOME START IT YOU START IT and DO NOT hit Ted even in slightest SOME OF YOU START IT!

Remember do not hit Ted. Even in the slightest.

I am Ted's sense of megalomania


Ted's arguments are both compelling and thought-provoking. They require an open mind to understand, but once you have let Ted in, he is everywhere. I await more news from this prophet and savior.


Staff member
I... my mind... it's like looking into a crazy persons brain barfed out in type. I thank your sir Twitch for this.
I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page. for the love of Ted do not read his page.
The irony, she is delicious.


I... my mind... it's like looking into a crazy persons brain barfed out in type. I thank your sir Twitch for this.
I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page. for the love of Ted do not read his page.
The irony, she is delicious.[/QUOTE]

Is this trolling? I can never tell. I'm not sure if he's attacking me or not.

It's only irony if I am a grammar Nazi. You also forgot that I didn't capitalize "for" after the period. And another thing "I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page." Doesn't even have correct punctuation to be a proper sentence. If you are going to troll and correct me go all out or join me in the failboat.


Staff member
Wow, you're awfully wound up about tongue-in-cheek silliness. I just thought it was funny that you mentioned the term "grammar Nazis" while committing a grammatical error. (For the record, it was the apostrophe, not the capitalization that caught my eye.) No need for such bitterness.

(Also for the record, if we're getting technical, "grammar nazi's" is ironic, because you don't expect an error in grammar in a term identifying an overly attentive grammarian: the definition of irony.)
I... my mind... it's like looking into a crazy persons brain barfed out in type. I thank your sir Twitch for this.
I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page. for the love of Ted do not read his page.
The irony, she is delicious.[/QUOTE]

Is this trolling? I can never tell. I'm not sure if he's attacking me or not.

It's only irony if I am a grammar Nazi. You also forgot that I didn't capitalize "for" after the period. And another thing "I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page." Doesn't even have correct punctuation to be a proper sentence. If you are going to troll and correct me go all out or join me in the failboat.[/QUOTE]

I think you didn't notice what was being pointed out as your mistake.

Which makes it funnier :p.

I... my mind... it's like looking into a crazy persons brain barfed out in type. I thank your sir Twitch for this.
I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page. for the love of Ted do not read his page.
The irony, she is delicious.[/QUOTE]

Is this trolling? I can never tell. I'm not sure if he's attacking me or not.

It's only irony if I am a grammar Nazi. You also forgot that I didn't capitalize "for" after the period. And another thing "I warn all grammar nazi's do not read Ted's page." Doesn't even have correct punctuation to be a proper sentence. If you are going to troll and correct me go all out or join me in the failboat.[/QUOTE]

I think you didn't notice what was being pointed out as your mistake.

Which makes it funnier :p.


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