TMNT Forever

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Decided to post this here as I figure it's enough of a pop culture thing that it surpasses just being a TV show.

Anyway, for those like me who didn't know anything about this, Turtles Forever is a neat homage/crossover of the current TMNT cartoon and the old 80's cartoon most of us probably watched as a kid. Even better are the cameos and little bits to catch based on the other incarnations and small characters littered throughout the show.

What's really interesting, however, is that this isn't even bad. I actually enjoyed it. You can watch it on YouTube or I'm sure find other ways.



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I watched this not long after it first aired, and I thought it was hilarious. Though I honestly don't remember the original cartoon being that over-the-top cheesy. It probably was, though.

Also, dimension hopping without encountering Usagi Yojimbo or Cuddly the Cow-lick? Seriously?
I watched this not long after it first aired, and I thought it was hilarious. Though I honestly don't remember the original cartoon being that over-the-top cheesy. It probably was, though.

Also, dimension hopping without encountering Usagi Yojimbo or Cuddly the Cow-lick? Seriously?
Usagi cameo-ed in several of the TMNT series episodes in both the 80's and the new series. There was no reason to bring it up again.


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Usagi cameo-ed in several of the TMNT series episodes in both the 80's and the new series. There was no reason to bring it up again.
I didn't mean for him to appear as a character, I was just hoping he'd show up in one of the stills from the multiverse.
I loved loved LOVED the appearance of

The eastman/laird version of the turtles and Raphael's affection for them

Ahh nostalgia :) Like a sweet wine of Icarus.


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What absolutely killed me is how Raphael-87 kept making snarky asides and bad jokes to the camera, and the other non-87 characters keep coming into frame and looking out to try to see who the hell R-87 is talking to. Had me in stitches.
What absolutely killed me is how Raphael-87 kept making snarky asides and bad jokes to the camera, and the other non-87 characters keep coming into frame and looking out to try to see who the hell R-87 is talking to. Had me in stitches.
Yeah, this had me rolling every time. Especially when the big dude finally snaps and starts throttling him screaming that there's nobody there.
Though I honestly don't remember the original cartoon being that over-the-top cheesy. It probably was, though.
It wasn't that cheesy, but it had some silly conventions.

Also, i never knew Uncle Phil voiced Shredder... explains why the turtle obsessed ponce always fails me...
I would have paid money just to see that scene where Krang grows and tries to punch the New Shredder.

Actually, I would pay even more if he connected with the punch.
Having watched it all i got to say, they overdid the cheesiness for the '87 Turtles... felt like they where dismissing it as lame. Frankly i found it funnier when they where riffing on the silly conventions like the exploding robot Foot Soldiers or throwing trashcans at Shredder-Prime.

The original Turtles where awesome.
Having watched it all i got to say, they overdid the cheesiness for the '87 Turtles... felt like they where dismissing it as lame. Frankly i found it funnier when they where riffing on the silly conventions like the exploding robot Foot Soldiers or throwing trashcans at Shredder-Prime.
Yes and no, I remember they WERE that cheesy. My only issue was that they didn't individualize the old school turtles at all. They went out of the way to make each of the "New Age" turtles retain much of the individual traits each of them possessed, but the old turtles, like how New Raphael put it, were basically just four Michelangelos. The only one that got any type of nod was Old School Donatello for actually using his tech savvy at certain points, Old School Leonardo didn't even exist as far as his character went.

However, I still think that was much of the point of the show. It was still mostly a "TMNT" episode, that was supposed to focus on the New Age turtles more then the older ones. That is why the Prime Turtles also pretty much shared the same personality between the four of them, with no defined difference. It was a nod to a time long gone, but was not supposed to be taken as a true cross-over, more as a homage to the turtles origins both in comics and television.

I still loved it.
Well the Primes where like that in the first comic as i recall... plus they didn't get much face time.

But i don't recall the 87 Turtles running scared (scene with the Primes) or acting that silly, even Mikey, or 87 Shredder being that useless. The scenes that actually pole fun at the actual silly parts where way better...
Well it has been a long time since I have even picked up one of the old comics, but I don't remember them being pretty much mirrors of each other with different weapons. Then again, they were only in the cartoon for a very short period.

As for the "running scared" part, I agree, that is one of the reasons I said that they didn't really have individual personalities. Leo would not run scared like that in the old cartoon unless it was the best strategy, and neither would Rach due to the fact he was stubborn (just no dark gritty stubborn like they make him these days), Mike or Don I could see run based on the situation. Having all four of them run, and the scene where they "cry" on New Age Raph's shoulder just made them seem like photocopies.
I meant the first comic as in #1. As i recall when they where fighting that's pretty much how they acted there...

And maybe you're right, but it did feel like they where putting down the old cartoon to make theirs look better...

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

Like you said, it would have been better if Krang connected with the punch, and if 87-Shredder actually put up a fight at any damn time etc. At least Splinter wa done well.
Oh, and I agree on Old School Shredder. Having Shredder and Krang join with the turtles at the end was a great idea, but it failed in the fact that they were still ineffectual. They showed Old School Shredder beating on New Age Shredder at some points during the final battle, but they never focused on that for even one little set of dialogue and he got drowned out by the 12 turtles flying all over the screen. I would have loved to see Old School Shredder cut a slice into New Age Shredder's armor taunting him in his silly schlock, and have Krang connect with that punch at least once. Just show them as really contributing and getting the last laugh on the guy that subplanted them and took the Technodrome, even the Old School Turtles at least got that with the "anti-technodrome" exploding throwing stars.


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But i don't recall the 87 Turtles running scared (scene with the Primes) or acting that silly, even Mikey, or 87 Shredder being that useless. The scenes that actually pole fun at the actual silly parts where way better...
Not first season they weren't, but a couple seasons in things started to get very silly indeed, until the "red sky" arc changed the tone of the series.

Do you remember the episode with the shredder wannabe called "the swatter?" With flyswatters instead of metal claws?
It was just exaggeration on the comedy of the 87 series, that's all. Shredder was always a whiny douche, they just turned him up to 11.
Wow I love nostalgia! I wish I still had my old toys, I even had the turtle blimp hanging from my ceiling. Ah those were the days....
The only TMNT I have left is my 5th Anniversary Golden Leonardo statue. I DO still have a shitload of Star Trek figures and stuff in a box downstairs though... might want to break them out in 10-20 years to sell if the world hasn't ended yet.
I still have most of my 80's toys in some footlockers in my hometown. I can't wait to pass them onto my son.


I didnt even know this existed! I saw Nostalgia Critic's review and was like "what the FUCK? 87 turtles and 03 turtles in one universe? and its GOOD?"

Shit even if its bad, I'm buying the dvd as soon as its released. I never got around to watching 03 turtles since they only seemed to be on saturdays and i sleep in, i havent gotten up early for saturday morning cartoons in like, a decade at least.

cant wait for a dvd release!
It was just exaggeration on the comedy of the 87 series, that's all. Shredder was always a whiny douche, they just turned him up to 11.
And i felt they turned it up too much...

But is it louder then 10?

But i don't recall the 87 Turtles running scared (scene with the Primes) or acting that silly, even Mikey, or 87 Shredder being that useless. The scenes that actually pole fun at the actual silly parts where way better...
Not first season they weren't, but a couple seasons in things started to get very silly indeed, until the "red sky" arc changed the tone of the series.

Do you remember the episode with the shredder wannabe called "the swatter?" With flyswatters instead of metal claws?[/QUOTE]

Well over here they didn't air shows in anything resembling an order or anything, so not really...
All this talk about Shredder is making me remember the episode where he got hit on the head and thought he was Mikey, so he joins with the turtles and acts like them. In the end he regained him memory while eating some "shredded cheese" in a pizza joint. No idea why that episode is right now playing in my brain.


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I remember that episode, too... the thing was, after he hit his head, Splinter hypnotized him and implanted suggestions that he turn into Shredder whenever he heard the word "Shredder," and Michelangelo whenever that name was spoken... and he turned back because as they cut through a pizza kitchen, he saw cheese hanging out of the machine and said "Ah, righteous... there's some cheese left in the shredder!"

That was the one episode outside of the origin story flashbacks where you got to see Shredder's nose and mouth, because he opened his faceplate to eat the cheese.
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