Comcast eMTA reboots 4x-6x times a day

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That about says it all right there. I'll be in the middle of surfing or playing WoW, and then bam! Page will take a while to load and eventually time out, or I'll dc from my game session. Logs from the modem page show that the device has completely rebooted due to either a T3 or T4 timeout.

Lost connection time is no more than 5 minutes out of every 24 hours, but Comcast reps on Twitter say this shouldn't be happening at all.

No splitters between where the cable enters the house to the modem. I've tried both a Linksys and a Netgear wireless router with no change. The only suspect there is the router is about 8" from the modem on the same table.

About the only thing left to try is shutting off wireless and going to ethernet on the one wireless device.

Still, it's a little odd that the wireless router could cause all these reboots?


Staff member
Still, it's a little odd that the wireless router could cause all these reboots?
My family's last router has issues with it's wireless. I'd be sitting at my computer surfing the web just fine on wired, while my mom and sister would be complaining the internet was out, again. That router had to be rebooted manually, but yours could be rebooting automatically when it detects a major problem.
The internal network stays up fine. It's the cable modem that's rebooting. I've had this particular box on both wireless and wired. No difference.

I shut off the wireless on the router to see what happens next.


This *can* be a power issue. Do you have yours plugged directly into the wall or into a power strip / surge protector? If the latter, try directly into the wall.. if the former, see if you can try a different outlet.

I have had a number of routers, cable modems, dsl modems, etc, have fluke problems just solved by power, unless they are eventually damaged and need to be replaced.
I've stitched to a different surge protector. Didn't make much difference.

But THIS did: Comcast techs called me. An adjacent node has been causing them no end of trouble, and it's cascading into nearby nodes. That's the most likely culprit, and they're on the case.


cool. I had some weird issues with similar stuff about 6 months ago.. they replaced the modem, the line, the switch and then the box at the STREET. It's nice having business class service where they'll do that for you.


Staff member
Same thing happened to me when I had my apartment in NC... Took Time Warner 4 visits to finally agree to fix the outside line and node system (which really should have been on the second visit, but they don't listen to you when you tell them all about the troubleshooting you've already done). It was all done free of charge, though, which was great. Seems like the broken/slow node issue has been cropping up a lot lately... time for an infrastructure overhaul :)


Same thing happened to me when I had my apartment in NC... Took Time Warner 4 visits to finally agree to fix the outside line and node system (which really should have been on the second visit, but they don't listen to you when you tell them all about the troubleshooting you've already done). It was all done free of charge, though, which was great. Seems like the broken/slow node issue has been cropping up a lot lately... time for an infrastructure overhaul :)
I had trouble getting them to come out at first.. then I stopped paying my bill and refused to do so until they took a look at it (and I explained why I wouldn't pay it).
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