[News] China is not going to bail out EuroZone, now what?

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the Eurozone is asking China to help bail them out (similar to the U.S.)

China also buying out SAAB.

Edit: well, looks like EuroZone is not going to be bail out, but EuroZone is in trouble

Unlike the U.S. each country in the EuroZone have their own economic issue. While some may say that each state is like a "country" (Texas is one that can still be its own country or break up to 4 states if needed in the Texas constitution I believe) each has their own law but still have federal law.

The EuroZone is not like that. While the "money" is the Euro, each country is doing their own things and try to follow the EuroZone standard. We see country like Italy and Greece having major issue with their economy and thus causing problem while IN the EuroZone, not sure how they are going to fix this one.


This is not surprising as China is wash with cash. China will one day be owning the whole world and even the whole universe...lol. :D :D


This is not surprising as China is wash with cash. China will one day be owning the whole world and even the whole universe...lol. :D :D
Heh, recent article regarding Greece's referendum on the Eurozone have made China balk on helping. I remember recent article that China is gonna hold on to its cash cause of its own economy woes (i.e. housing bubble and banking restriction etc etc)


This is not surprising as China is wash with cash. China will one day be owning the whole world and even the whole universe...lol. :D :D
Don't worry, at that point they'll get cancelled after 13 episodes...
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