Star Wars: Old Republic Pre-order open now!

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I've decided that I'll get on the bus if it's still going strong in the summer. The new semester starts on monday and I can't have an active MMO subscription during the semester, it's just not feasable.
I don't see how this could fail by summer. I play WAY too much and I've still yet to get to 50 on any of my characters. I enjoy the story too much. Plus they already have the next update in the works... looks like Mustafar (fire planet from Ep.3) and another flashpoint/operation.
Kudos to bioware for not only making leveling in healer spec viable, but also fun.

Loving my sawbones scoundrel.
Good to hear. I just started MY Scoundrel and put my first few points into Sawbones, glad to know it's viable for leveling.
Good to hear. I just started MY Scoundrel and put my first few points into Sawbones, glad to know it's viable for leveling.
By decking out my dps companion in commendations gear, and using stealth for the tricky parts, my awesome keep everyone alive skills have allowed me to solo heroics.
So I have an lvl 50 healing Operative, which is basically the same thing as a Smuggler, I can solo so much dumb shit just with the combo of stealth and heals. (Way more fun than my 50 Sith Sorc)
So far so good, even on my ancient system. Playing a Sith Sorc just because I have wanted too since I first heard about the game. See you guys in game :)
I built my computer in May 2008 and it's definitely showing it's age. Now that I'm employed it's time to start researching new gaming PCs.
The biggest issue your going to face with this game isn't going to be ram, but your processor. I'm running a single core, so I get MASSIVE slowdown in some areas. I recommend at least a tri-core, if not quad.
I tried... I really, really gave it a good gallant try, but I just couldn't enjoy the game. I can't even really put my finger on what made me not have fun with it, but I cancelled my subscription with 10 days remaining on my initial free month. I am glad that so many other people have a fun game that they enjoy, however.
Just hit 50 last night as a celebration over finishing Finance course. Went to Ilum. I was the only Republic player on Ilum. :(
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