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Honestly I hope that if he wins the election he just says "yep, I've been Muslim this whole time. What're you gonna do about it?"
Honestly I hope that if he wins the election he just says "yep, I've been Muslim this whole time. What're you gonna do about it?"
The moment he wins the second term, the entire GoP is going to move to scramble to spend the next 4yrs on Impeachment plans.
I have a stain on my t-shirt in which you can pencil in an upside down cross... guess i must be the Pope. Man, that explains this weird hat i'm wearing.
I wear t-shirts from an elementary school, doesn't mean I still go there. Seriously, I still have a shirt that fits me from Elementary school field day. The shirts they give out at those things are HUGE!
I freaking love Lewis Black. Tells it like it is.

Edit: What the hell is with Cheney's scowl? How could anyone see him as not evil after seeing that death glare?


Staff member
What I find interesting is the same people who are screaming that Obama is not a Christian (which he is) are the same ones voting Romney, who is a Mormon.
What I find interesting is the same people who are screaming that Obama is not a Christian (which he is) are the same ones voting Romney, who is a Mormon.
Oh man, watching these people contort themselves into knots to explain why they are voting for a Mormon (in case you don't know, evangelical Christianity tends to consider the LDS church to be a cult and is usually VERY vocal about it) is amusing. Usually it is something like, "Well, I'd rather vote for a Mormon than a secret Muslim!":Leyla:
You know what would be a neutral presidency? A Bhudist president. Nothing good will happen, nothing bad will happen, I'd take nothing happening over another Bush style presidency.
Or a confused satanist who doesn't understand christian symbology.
C'mon dude, i think we argued enough for you to know that cracked is where i know about the pope/inverted cross thing. Although weirdly i did know about St. Peter cross being upside down (and St Andrew's being an X), i just never connected it in my head with satanists...

I put something that someone wears as jewelry constantly for decades above the focus I put on which shirts I wear.
I think you misunderstood my criticism... the important part was " you can pencil in"...

And the lines they drew don't even look like the text they put next to it... Poe's Law in effect man.
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