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  1. Sparhawk

    Comic Book News

    Solar panels? A patch of skin from Aquaman’s favorite shark buddy? Scale mail because it looks cool on Captain America’s uniform?
  2. Sparhawk

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I’m guessing, but I feel it’s a sure thing, that it was a Dallas Cowboys hoodie. There is a pervasive and constant smell of failure around such items. Sorta like, at one time, wearing a Wrexham kit.
  3. Sparhawk

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    1)I completely agree. 2) I worked at a grocery store for a couple of years of high school, I also can bag better, faster, neater and in fewer bags than everyone seems to want to use today. I love self-checkout, but I will make a point to use that bored looking cashier when I'm not under a...
  4. Sparhawk

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    You aren’t in a local position to physically help, so posting on her Facebook is actually a thing you can do. As guys we want to do something, a physical something, to actually help or “fix” the problem, but honestly you cannot fly halfway around the world to do that. Studies have shown that the...
  5. Sparhawk

    Weird weather

    Our little town has a substation with a battery storage system. It surprised me when they started installing it.
  6. Sparhawk

    The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

    It’s complicated and definitely not as straightforward as just a restaurant renting space. I’m not sure I completely understand all the twists in those agreements take.
  7. Sparhawk

    The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

    I agree they’re having some trouble, but you’re missing the person that started the slide, Iger has actually improved many situations since he came back. Bob Chapek is the person that did so much damage across Disney, he was essentially just a numbers guy that wanted to monetize as much of...
  8. Sparhawk

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 5 - To Kang or Not to Kang

    After the smashing success that was Madam Web they moved the release back, licking their wounds after Web and Morbius, they moved it again for a little “retooling” and moved again because the committee making it couldn’t agree on everything, Across the Spiderverse was a success and they finally...
  9. Sparhawk

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 5 - To Kang or Not to Kang

    Nope, delayed several times, always adding to the feeling of a great success for this movie.
  10. Sparhawk

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    My statement didn’t exclude BCS, just falls outside that “mostly.” There is some construction here in East Texas, things that are rerouting traffic on major highways, but still relatively minor traffic wise compared to what happens in all major he big cities.
  11. Sparhawk

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    Mostly applies to Houston, DFW, Austin, and San Antonio. I’m not sure anyone in the rest of the state spends money on roads.
  12. Sparhawk

    Minor victory thread

    While a funny thought, it would probably get Gas killed by someone in those real lifted trucks that do roll through his part of the country. I’m not talking about the pretty boy college lifters, but by a real farmer or rancher that just goes by the name Old Man Winston and has a good enough...
  13. Sparhawk

    New Picture Thread

    Seriously, take more. Don't forget to get some with you in them too. Take as many as you can now, you'll need them later for strategic embarrassment after she starts to refuse to take many pictures at all. I think all of us with daughters have run into that wall.
  14. Sparhawk

    Minor victory thread

    I may regret this, but who or what is a Zozo?
  15. Sparhawk

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I would say you did the right thing. You could see what was about to happen and acted to not have the last memory of your mother of her brother be the seeming chaos of attempted life-saving measures. At least she got to spend some time with him.
  16. Sparhawk

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Must just be an an acquaintance, because they obviously don’t know what they’ve set in motion.
  17. Sparhawk

    The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

    Here’s a Spin article that he says it again that he’s done with albums.
  18. Sparhawk

    The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

    He’s basically said he’s done with albums and just going to release songs as he sees fit.
  19. Sparhawk

    [Brazelton] Richard Simmons

    I feel sorry for him, because all the people around him the last few years seemed to be more interested in using him and his name for themselves than taking care of him.
  20. Sparhawk

    New Picture Thread

    There is a guy in the pic? Where? All I see is a cute baby.