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  1. Sparhawk

    [Thread Game] You piece of shit!

    Obi Wan: There is another, you piece of shit.
  2. Sparhawk

    [Thread Game] You piece of shit!

    Why’d it have to be snakes? You piece of shit.
  3. Sparhawk

    Weird weather

    Well, he is using the rotting corpse of one of their kin to grow mushrooms.
  4. Sparhawk

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Our little orange cat, Oliver Weasley, spent part of the night outside last night. He went exploring outside the yard, we called and shook the treat container to no avail. My wife let him back in around 3am when she woke and heard him sounding pitiful between the pet door and the back door...
  5. Sparhawk

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    That looks like a fun sequel.
  6. Sparhawk

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I cannot imagine why that would be an issue. My sympathy.
  7. Sparhawk

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    Yes, different artists, but also different versions of the Hulk. The first and lasts ones in your examples are also the oldest. #5 of your examples is the only one that shows Hulk with a small head, and honestly it looks more like that head was photoshopped onto that body. #s 2,3, and 4 all have...
  8. Sparhawk

    Whats for Dinner?

    I have never lived a pizza my entire life.
  9. Sparhawk

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    So you’re saying to not do a cosplay of Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me.
  10. Sparhawk

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    Nope, not for me.
  11. Sparhawk

    Minor victory thread

    We live so far apart, for being on the same continent. It’s was 32°C here today, humidity around 75%.
  12. Sparhawk

    Weird weather

    You guys are getting it so much worse than we are. For others, sixpack lives to the southwest of where I am, and downhill, so to speak. There are a couple of major US highways south of here that have been entirely closed due to flooding. We’re getting rain now, but will need more in a few...
  13. Sparhawk

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Little weiner, ugly little Chevy Luv “truck” held together by duct tape, JB Weld, and baling wire, and bad teeth. He’s trying to compensate.
  14. Sparhawk

    Weird weather

    I believe we’ve had more than 4 inches of rain in just the last 12 hours. In between storms right now, but more are on the way.
  15. Sparhawk

    Whats for Dinner?

    Okay, that is a cool thing and so much better than the mass produced slop. When good ingredients are used food is sooo much better. Unfortunately his name has become synonymous with low quality junk because of ”cutting costs” and “increasing profits.”
  16. Sparhawk

    Whats for Dinner?

    Are you drunk or high?
  17. Sparhawk

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I trust humanity so much that I look both ways on a one-way street.
  18. Sparhawk

    Weird weather

    That was last year. I was up there in the hospital for one of them. Freaked the nurses out when I could point to right where the funnel cloud was at even though I couldn’t see out a window. Also told them when it dissipated before the hospital gave the clear signal, I’ve always felt where the...
  19. Sparhawk

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I think that Sam the Eagle or Scooter would be better as DM. Sam, because he would have it all planned out and the group would be constantly doing the unexpected and going “off script.” Scooter because he would never be in control but would willing to work along with all the weird stuff the gang...