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  1. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    I love oatmeal! However I am allergic so at this point I just miss oatmeal (and Cheerios). My wife hates oatmeal and can eat all the oat based foods.
  2. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    Easement sucks sometimes. Honestly even though I hate Telus, I still use their Fiber service because Shaw is just awful in townhouse complexes due to the node sharing. I'd rather have slow fiber than fast cable.
  3. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    I worked for them for 9 years, you have no idea. An old work buddy is in Ft St John and saw a Telus contractor setting up a tent for the night yesterday. It was 5°C last night. They can't even pay scabs properly.
  4. grub

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Eggs: scrambled Steak: medium rare Milk: 2% lactose free Alcohol: no thanks Warm drink: decaf coffee, hot chocolate
  5. grub

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    I could see Alberta joining before BC. It would be more likely to have BC, Washington, Oregon and California all join as a new Pacific nation
  6. grub

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    That took me longer than it should have.
  7. grub

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Yes it is!
  8. grub

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    I heard you can find many at @bhamv3 's work place
  9. grub

    A generic religion thread.

    As for the loving God wouldn't let bad things happen. I don't have good answers, anyone who does is probably wrong.
  10. grub

    A generic religion thread.

    I've been a member of a few churches that look inward and seem to exist for only their (and their members) benefit. My current church spends their time helping in appreciable ways in the community. The youth group fundraises for a women's shelter, not for a feel good missions trip. Over covid...
  11. grub

    Coronavirus Thread

    I would argue that home is the only acceptable place to do so.
  12. grub

    Coronavirus Thread

    True, I do miss the sun. Being in the Fraser Valley now is far wetter.
  13. grub

    Coronavirus Thread

    This attitude is so prevalent in Kelowna. I grew up in that hell hole and you couldn't pay me enough to move back. Fuck Kelowna!
  14. grub

    Coronavirus Thread

    We are not quite as right leaning as Alberta and Saskatchewan though. At least in the population centers.
  15. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    I can't see tube amps ever becoming relevant again in the PA realm. Sourcing tubes for my amp is a pain. I can't imagine the size of an amp for that wattage in tubes.
  16. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    There is that, if you are talking solid-state. But in the tube amp world my 30W amp is rated before breakup, guitar players rule of thumb is to double the rating at least for full overdrive(breakup) and then buy speakers. I already blew a set of 20W speakers in my youth. The sag from the tube...
  17. grub

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    This seems weird from a guitar point of view. I have a 30W tube amp and 120W of speaker. I would rather not burn out my speakers with too much power, I also am not a fan of speaker breakup as I the next step is usually come seperation.
  18. grub

    Minor victory thread

    I finally got my hands on a Xbox Series X! I was supposed to get one earlier but the EB Games employee wrote my number down on their list wrong and they never called.
  19. grub

    [Rant] Tech Minor Rant Thread

    I found it here: Go to chrome://flags Search grid And disable I had to restart my phone before I could change it.
  20. grub

    Random Video Game Crap

    Telus is a good investment but also evil. I should know, I worked for them for 9 years.