I think it has been pretty well shown that Russia doesn’t have the military to occupy enough of Ukraine to force Ukraine to accept a peace deal.
And the US was actually able to win battles in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Something that Russia has been unable to accomplish in Ukraine and seems like...
How the fuck does somebody look at Russians getting demolished to the point that they need to do an emergency draft and say Russia is the militarily superior army?
Until the complete video is released and proves conclusively that she was actively shooting I'm comfortable saying that the police version of events is a complete lie. A police report being accurate might have happened once and I can guarantee you the only reason it is true is because the police...
In what is no doubt a great sign for the effect of banning abortion Texas delays report on maternal death till after the midterms. Yeah surely this indicates that banning abortions hasn’t resulted in killing women.
Not really no. Currently the only argument besides your psychopathic “dropping people off in an area they don’t know where people don’t speak their language that lacks any resources to help them in a way specifically designed to cause chaos is exactly like two countries working together to...
I assume you’re talking about two different people. Cause Ron Desantis was the one doing human trafficking while Tommi was the guy going “it’s not really a bad thing to do.”
I don't know you have somebody defending human trafficking it's going to always be surprising. Sure it makes sense with his character but to see it laid out there for the world to see isn't what I thought I'd see today.
Was wondering what started him down that line of thinking and then realized no matter the context his comments suck. And probably the context is Tucker saying “doesn’t it suck that the culture isn’t holding up blond rail thin women with no ass as the ultimate standers of beauty? Also isn’t it...
Had figured Charles would step aside due to his lack of popularity and his age. But I guess you wait for the big chair for so long you sit in the fucking chair when you get the chance.
I actually don’t think the debate is at all about who is going to pay. We already decided that it was the public when we said emergency rooms have to treat people regardless of their ability to pay. The choice is between paying for a $100 doctor’s visit and a $10 antibiotic prescription or a...
I wonder if there will ever be stats on how many bitcoins have been stolen over the years. If it’s less that 10,000% of bitcoins have been stolen I will be shocked.
Disagree that what I do is trolling. I see something that I disagree with I argue against it. I’m not arguing anything that I don’t believe or can’t back up.
1. That is what happens when somebody whines instead of actually arguing a point. The conversation drags.
2.You could just not read it. You have no responsibility to read everything on this website.
3. I have no interest in a private conversation with somebody who either refuses to admit an...