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  1. checkeredhat

    [Other] Checkeredhat's accountability thread

    Yeah I take anything under 5lbs to be pretty negligible. Not only is there a variance in the scale, but weight will change throughout the day depending on how much and how recently I've eaten and used the washroom. I try to keep time of day consistent for my weight measurement and I always...
  2. checkeredhat

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    There is a gym next door to my hotel. I can play from bed on hotel WiFi! I even actually beat my first ever raid battle.
  3. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Once by two officers who selected me out of the line for a cannabis swab, (I guess "millennial travelling alone" rings an alarm for them). Then like 5 minutes later by the scanner for a regular old security check.
  4. checkeredhat

    [Other] Checkeredhat's accountability thread

    Haven't weighed myself in this week and only went for one run. Didn't have any free time this week, like, at all. And was the opposite of vegan due to the leftover Chinese food and busy schedule. This was a bad week for sure. Flying to LA for the next couple days and I plan to use the hotel...
  5. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I got randomly selected twice at the airport.
  6. checkeredhat

    [Announcement] Next Wednesday Night. Be Here.

    I'm going to be on a plane somewhere over Colorado(ish) at that time. On my wake back from LA. I don't get to Toronto until like 11:30EDT, and then with customs and whatnot I won't be home until around 1am Thursday. So I'm afraid I won't be present.
  7. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Wife is watching Christmas Chronicles on Netflix and had to stop the movi, cause we pass this place daily. I used to live a 10minute walk from there. And last year, we passed by one day and it was decked out for Christmas and there were tents put up outside it. Obviously, this isn't out of the...
  8. checkeredhat

    [Announcement] Next Wednesday Night. Be Here.

    Shit I should probably get you your drawings.
  9. checkeredhat

    [Other] Checkeredhat's accountability thread

    Nov 18, 2018 202.8lbs 24.5% body fat. Slight increase in weight buts negligible and I weighed myself at a different time than usual too so that makes a difference. I was reeeeeeally good last week and didn't consume any dairy or meat. This week is gonna be different. Had friends over for D&D...
  10. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Bender's face.
  11. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    My brother and I have made a pact, and now I have to talk to a tattoo parlour and schedule an appointment for matching butt tattoos.
  12. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Glad you're safe!
  13. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    If two nearby schools were also on lockdown my hunch would be a very shitty prank by shitty people.
  14. checkeredhat

    [Question] What actor played more than one part and blew your mind?

    I know it doesn't make sense, but I can forgive the anachronism, but can't forgive the name jumble. I think because this isn't limited to those shows. EVERY version of Heracles I can think of does it, so the other things seem like knowing, winking decisions. The names seem like a mistake. I...
  15. checkeredhat

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 3 And Beyond

    I can't wait for them to announce the actual movie title so this stops.
  16. checkeredhat

    [Question] What actor played more than one part and blew your mind?

    He also played Cupid in those shows. Which, side note, brings me to a longtime issue I've had with every iteration of Hercules: they pick and choose when to use the Roman names vs when to use the Greek names. Still bugs me.
  17. checkeredhat

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I saw a pickup truck with Texas plates and a giant Texas map decal about a month ago here in Toronto. Honestly one of the weirdest fucking things I've ever seen. We get a lot of New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, some Maine, Pennsylvania, Ohio, sometimes Florida or Georgia (which...
  18. checkeredhat

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 3 And Beyond

    Yeah m just now seeing that this is actually a popular theory. I thought I came up with this myself.
  19. checkeredhat

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 3 And Beyond

    Doubling down on Eternity War. "I can see it... ETERNITY!" -Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2