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  1. Tiger Tsang

    I'm older, purposely avoided cell phones, out of of touch and have no idea what you call the block things people want you to use your phone on.

    Okay, Bless you, I have the most basic of tracfones and it didn't seem to recognize it. QR codes.
  2. Tiger Tsang

    I'm older, purposely avoided cell phones, out of of touch and have no idea what you call the block things people want you to use your phone on.

    The black squares that are encoded for ad's and apps and suchthat you're supposed to use your cell phone on to link to other things.
  3. Tiger Tsang

    Coronavirus Thread

    That you're hearing about it, and willing ? to get it, is a good thing. SCIENCE!
  4. Tiger Tsang

    Games on SALE!

    This deserves a Snoop Dawg "HELL YEA-AH" and a Burton Guster "You know that's right!" I just have them already . . . mostly I think.
  5. Tiger Tsang

    [Music] Metal Thread

    Well any form of a Wikipedia can be it's own poison, but the lead singer/a guitar player and the bass/other vocals lived close enough that they've effectively been quarantining in each others homes, and have been putting on weekly/hour long shows from the leads basement. If you were a fan of...
  6. Tiger Tsang

    [Music] Metal Thread

    Out of curiosity, Simfers, IF they're circling your cup of tea, have you been watching Machine Head's Facebook . . . podcasts?
  7. Tiger Tsang

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    Just recently/finally finished 'Stan Against Evil'. I love John C McGinley, such a great actor that's able to turn it up a notch on comically curmudgeons.
  8. Tiger Tsang

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    I'll take that as implements of industry and not a round of jerks freshly hired.
  9. Tiger Tsang

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    I don't know if I'm going to catch hell for this I've liked a bunch of the earlier CW DC stuff, Arrow was pretty cool until, I dunno, season 4, Flash was awesome until they seemed to take a lot of FUN out of what should be associated with his character. Mark Hammil anyone?!? DC Legends keeps me...
  10. Tiger Tsang

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    China Beach and Dana Delaney.
  11. Tiger Tsang

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    More AWESOME than funny but . . .
  12. Tiger Tsang

    New Picture Thread

  13. Tiger Tsang

    [Movies] The DC Cinematic Universe - The David Zazlav Dumpster Fire.

    I will admit ignorance of the status of the big Kaboomies *Heroic Strong Folk or Blasters* in the DCU as far as magic goes, but *and happily to be corrected* Billy *had?* to take up the title of the wizard? It's been awhile. Billy should always be the Big Red Cheese, and for once, should wield...
  14. Tiger Tsang


    Sometimes, you just need to take a break, and smile and giggle.
  15. Tiger Tsang

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    *You're missing the point. Honor Mister Clement, if nothing else.*
  16. Tiger Tsang

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Be a Gloomy Gus all you want, but that was still worth watching for Mr. Clement's work.
  17. Tiger Tsang

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Watch this long trailer with voice over by the Tremendous Jemaine Clement. Bonus, one of the first things they point out is . . . NO MICROTRANSACTIONS!!! Now I need to start a re-watch of Flight on the Conchords and What We Do In The Shadows.
  18. Tiger Tsang

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    This just felt like more of an appropriate spot *Deep Movie Trailer Voice* "In a world where these two could have co-existed . . . AWESOMENESS would have happened."