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  1. Mathias

    [Brazelton] Pete Rose - 83

    For real. Thing is he cost the MLB money that's why they hit him so hard.
  2. Mathias

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    THis video is for you!
  3. Mathias

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Sorry that happened, man. After I experienced something similar I went the NAS route and never looked back. Synology makes some kick ass ones with all sorts of redundancies that protect your data.
  4. Mathias

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Uh Tin? I think you're famous. Came across this Woobles ad on Instagram and totally did a double take
  5. Mathias

    Halforums Catch Up Thread

    Yo where's Darkaudit these days?
  6. Mathias

    Halforums Catch Up Thread

    Hey! Old school people! Owwright owwright!
  7. Mathias

    Halforums Catch Up Thread
  8. Mathias

    Halforums Catch Up Thread

    Sup budday!!buddy!!! Man oh man it's been a minute huh?
  9. Mathias

    Halforums Catch Up Thread

    Yoooo. Where's the ragin' Cajun?
  10. Mathias

    Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

    Trump claimed to have shot a 67 golf round.
  11. Mathias

    The Lego appreciation thread

    I am so tempted to buy this set. I had all four first gen pirates sets and loved them so much!
  12. Mathias

    New Picture Thread

    Marge, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich...
  13. Mathias

    How old is Dave ( a re-introduction thread )

  14. Mathias

    What's up with PvP comics.

    We're old and confused.
  15. Mathias

    What's up with PvP comics.

    DOH! I knew there was a dedicated thread for that! Thanks!
  16. Mathias

    What's up with PvP comics.

    Haven't read it for a looooong while, but I noticed for this year, Kurtz rarely updated PvP. There's a full on gap between Feb and August of this year. What gives? His Mort comic seems to be also suffering from major gaps? Is he 100% focused on his Table Titans (patron only) comic?
  17. Mathias

    [Brazelton] Twitter

    What the hell happened to Musk. It's like he went off the damn deep end in the last 10 years.
  18. Mathias

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    SoooOOooooOooo.... House of the Dragon. Gave me Season 1 vibes. BUUuUUUuuuuTT
  19. Mathias

    What are you playing?

    I was playing WoW again, but got a 10 day ban for "abusive chat". Apparently you can't say "fuck" anymore in BGs raid chat. Yes, this is what I was reported for. "Fuck, they're hitting mid again" - among other things of similar nature, not directed at anyone (although I did have a guy call me...
  20. Mathias

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 5 - To Kang or Not to Kang

    I still can't believe people saw She-Hulk and think that Jen's stronger than Hulk when Bruce was CLEARLY (they almost beat you over the head with it - hurled space rock) pulling his punches so as not to hurt her cause she's his friggin cousin! The only only thing I didn't like was "I am woman...