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Amazing Wedding March.




If you havent seen this, it's an awsome Wedding march.


This is both a funny video and touching that thier firends would do this.




At one of my best friend's wedding, where I was the best man, the groomsmen did the charleston after walking down the aisle and twirling the bridesmaids. Way better music than they chose too! Still, nice to see them embrace the wedding as a celebration, which is what it ought to be.



I can't decide whether this is adorable or ridiculous (perhaps a bit of both). But I kinda loved it despite my better judgment.




Anything they can do to take the pomp out of weddings, the better. It's always bugged my that in many ways a wedding and a funeral are indestinguishable except for whether there's a casket or a couple at the front of the church.




Every time I watch this video, I grin like a moron and tear up.




[blush] I have to admit I've watched this about 5-10 more times since my first reaction, and every time I watch it I like it more. I don't think I have the guts to do something like this at my ceremony, but I have always wanted to do some sort of choreographed dance at my reception (for a minute there when it was not passe & overdone yet, I wanted to do a RickRoll in the middle of my first slow dance, but I realized then that about .5% of the people at my wedding would "get it" and also that it would be an old meme by the time I got married). Since my boyfriend and presumed future husband is Indian, I'm thinking of organizing some kind of Bollywood dance. Now, just to get my shy, stick in the mud, Indian boyfriend drunk enough to dance in front of a bunch of people, but not too drunk to dance... :rofl:




heh.. I made one too a while back. there is another video in there that is funny. :)

can we merge the two?




Just wait till their kids are teenagers, and they see that video while their friends are around...

I just think in hindsight it might look a little foolish.



sixpackshaker said:
Just wait till their kids are teenagers, and they see that video while their friends are around...

I just think in hindsight it might look a little foolish.
I was talking to a friend a while back about getting tattoos of particular things that might seem foolish later on (I tried to tactfully bring up the same point with a tattoo of hers by saying something that I wanted to get but didn't because I didn't know if I would think it was dumb later), and she told me that even if someday she thought it was silly, she would still be happy with the memory that this was something that meant a lot to her at one point. I think that's the attitude you need to have to do something like this. Unfortunately for me, I don't know if I have an attitude like that. It's not that I take myself too seriously, I just worry about what more conservative people in my family would think. :\ So if I do anything fun/non-traditional like that, it would definitely be limited to the reception.



The wedding is for the bride and groom. Period. This was awesome, and more power to them for pulling it off.

It doesn't hurt my opinion of them that they're from Minnesota. :D




them bastards, they had me smiling like an idiot for 5 minutes. we can't have that



Way I see it, this is just a good thing. It's a group of friends having fun and celebrating the wedding. Which is what it should be all about if you want that sort of thing.



Weddings are a sacred thing and should follow a strict adherence to the Bible! :angry:

Nah, I'm just messin'. Seriously though, when I first saw that video, I just shook my head saying "oh god no..."

Glad they had fun with it, but not my thing.
