Calling on the hive mind for and old book title!!!

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Can't recall many details other than it's been more than 15 years since I read it and a few plot points:

The story based around a faster than light method of travel that involved slingshotting. People and cargo would stand on a large synthetic diamond a particular energy was applied and they would come out at another point. After a period of time, determined-I think-by the amount of energy, everything that went out, would come back to the origin point.

The first planet they explored they found these creatures that when someone touched one they died instantly, but the next person to touch them could use them for either instant language translating, clairvoyance, or telepathy, I can't remember.

The guy who invented slignshotting accidentally teleported a finger using a smaller diamond during experiments to do something else. The finger spent a week in orbit out near Neptune or Pluto (back when it was a planet), then popped back a few days later.

Kitty Sinatra

I'd post another holy book, but I'm a little leery of having a fatwa placed on me.

Wow. We really aren't helping.


Staff member
Sorry, man. I looked for about an hour using keywords such as "FTL" and "diamond". I went through TVTropes with the FTL keyword and looked through & sites like that looking for the book.

There just wasn't enough information to go through and nothing rang a bell.


Yah, been hunting for a few years for this, I can almost see the cover in my minds eye.

Soooo close.
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