Curfews-not just for kids anymore

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NJ is looking at imposing a curfew on adults due to increased violence after dark. You think the people breaking the law after dark are going to be deterred by a curfew? And, seriously, if I want to go out after midnight I could be subject to jail time? Instead of using prison to lock up criminals you are going to throw people who stay out late in there? There's no way this will be passed. Last I heard America still had freedom. I think.
yeah I don't see that getting passed. Now I am a night owl but I prefer to stay home and play games/go on the computer at night but if they live ever come out with a curfew like that where I live I would make it a point to go out after hours just to protest it.


Its like a joke espcially since curfews are only mildly effective on children cause they are more likely to commit crimes during the day when parents are away at work, and they are home alone.
When were curfews ever just for kids? Someone hasn't been paying close attention to history :-P

Anyway, yeah. Bad idea.


curfew??? right.

This kinda reminds me of a situation where a person is trying to his mom to the hospital and ran a red light and the cop wouldn't let him to say goodbye to his dying mother.

I could probably have an emergency and need to go to the hospital and a cop stops me cause I'm out beyond curfew. This will also hurt many businesses that open after hours (7-11, 24 hour shops etc etc)
It's clearly supposed to be a moneymaker for the police department. Now they can arrest anyone they see on the street after the designated time, release them in an hour once they've been "processed", and charge them $300 for breaking curfew.

And then do it again some other night.


actually its not that you're "out after dark" so to say. it's that your loitering in an area that's outdoors during the curfew. i think it could help in urban areas which is what they are looking to do. i would have to read into it more before i stand behind it or against it.
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