First Post From My New Computer

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Staff member
So I get home to find the family has been out and bought a new machine - I've been setting it up, transferring files, and getting software installed. So far - love this thing. When my old one only had a total of 35 gigs of memory in the C drive, going up to 750 gigs is a nice upgrade. So is the massive, overall improvement in speed and performance. Card readers, a CD/DVD drive, great video card, 25 inch monitor with HDMI options - hell, it feels like I actually have a computer, rather than just a glorified internet browsing machine.

Oh, and Windows 7 isn't too bad so far, still getting used to that.

Zumbo Prime did you survive?

Glad you got a real machine, though.


This reminded me of an old laptop I had in the closet that I was going to salvage for parts. So I went to find it, and guess what?

Ants have made a nice nest in it. LOTS of ants. I'm expecting to open it up and find burrowings. Fuck knows how they got to my floor, but they did. They did.
I once came back to my dorm room to find ants crawling all over my laptop. I sprayed the whole thing with bug spray then opened the casing to manually pick out all the dead ants.


Ants have made a nice nest in it. LOTS of ants. I'm expecting to open it up and find burrowings. Fuck knows how they got to my floor, but they did. They did.
I used to have a lizard that lived inside my PC tower. He didn't seem to do any harm, but he disappeared after a few months.
I've never had ants but every day for me it's the same damn thing:
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Yes, I get it Apple, I'm running "snow Leopard" but this just ridiculous.

*yes I know thats not a mac, nor is it even my computer or my cat, this post is for entertainment purposes only.


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