[Gaming] Google Pacman

Related to the 1st of April, you can now choose "pacman" instead of map/satellite on Google Maps. It transforms your neighbourhood into a Pacman level.

No, I'm not kidding - go look for yourself.

Anyway, it's pretty neat, though it's somewhat trivial in some American cities (with the whole boring gridlike road plan) and the controls are a bit finicky in European town centers (with plenty of 5- and more-way crossroads and odd curving roads - it gets hard to predict which way Pacman'll go).

Still, it's neat.
Seriously... is the April Fools joke that this doesn't really exist?

I've gone to google maps on multiple browsers throughout the day and never got this Pac Man thing.
You need to go to specific locations to play.

Oh wait, I take that back, I guess that's only for mobile. On a computer it looks like there should just be a Pac Man icon in the lower left hand corner.
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Bowie, it's still on the maps.google.com page. Go to an area with several roads, click on the pac-man square at the bottom left and have it it.