I doubt you guys don't know about this, but I didn't find a specific thread so:

I got a Twitch drop for the open beta of Multiversus on Saturday (it's now open to everyone), and been playing for around 8 hours according to Steam.

Guys. It's fucking *good*

Like actually well done, easy to pick up/hard to master, beautifully designed goodness.

Even just fucking around with strangers online felt like the good old days of playing Smash Melee on the 'cube with friends (I'm old, sue me).

But it's mostly tuned for 2-player teams, so it'll definitely be better with friends.

And it's free to play and 100% cross-platform and cross-progress.

Are we playing!?

Eh, it's not my thing. I've never cared for Super Smash Bros or variations of it. Fighting games in general aren't my thing. Looks like fun, though.