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Oh where oh where could my baby be....




The lack of oil took her away from me...

She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good (and never do that to another car again)

So I can drive my baby when I'll leave this world

I'll miss you baby. 10 years and 230,000 miles. Never gave me any trouble I didn't cause myself.

Damn, I loved that car. I never realised how much until today. It kills me to know that this is my fault for not checking my oil levels. I knew she drank the stuff up, but didn't feed her. Today she lost a bearing on the crank on the way to work (30 mile communte). After work I got her on the highway. She was running fine enough at high rpm, but of course a big chunk of the highway was shut down, putting me in stop and go. She barely pushed through that, I could feel her leaving. I made it within 5 blocks of my house and she gave out. As penance I pushed the car home myself. At the last 2 blocks (after pushing it across a 4 lane road that was somewhat busy. like a horrible game of frogger) I couldn't go any farther. My baby was able to start back up, give me one more block and then died, but with enough momentum to bring it to my parking spot.

Evan's Camry. The Green Machine.
Through a rod but still got her man home.





RIP old gal.




I feel your pain. I put a good car to sleep with the clunkers program. :waah:




I fear for my Honda sometimes. over 200,000 miles and she's startin to groan a little. I hope it lasts til I'm out of college. That's when I plan to look for a new one.




*starts playing Amazing Grace with bagpipes*

On a lighter note... I see I'm not the only forumite who's red-bearded and curly.




That sucks :(

I really hate it when cars break down (mostly cause the price of repairs :) )




This is basically unrepairable short of dropping a new motor in. I'm gonna see if I can find a school that has a shop class that might want it. Hopefully they can make her live again.




I donated my '95 Contour back in June of '08 with somewheres around 235,000mi on the odometer.
That same day, an 83yr-old woman broadsided Kati in her '94 Taurus while on her way to work.

We've been limping along on with just that one Taurus between us for a little over a year now. It's at about 150,000mi and sorely needs to be replaced, but the city taxes are too high to even think about getting it replaced and its MPG is too high for it to qualify for the Cash For [strike:h4uduvcp]Hummers[/strike:h4uduvcp] Clunkers program. Sigh.



Damn, I hate when that "old reliable" just becomes "old". Seen that happen to many friends and their "old reliable" cars.


Get a haircut, ya damn hippie! :tongue:




:confused: You guys don't normally drive diesel, right? So you're all driving gas...And you're all over flipping 200K miles? Good lord folks, how or why would you?
I mourned my previous car too, but that got replaced due to some engine trouble not worth repairing anymore...And I'm talking about about $1500 in spending...because the car had over 100K kilometers. :confused:
Why would any sane human want to continue to drive a gas car beyond 150K km? All the good's out of it by then, really.

Slightly on another note, RIP the old girl, though. I did hate losing my car, too, and I've gotten quite attached to this one by now. Please stay with me another 50K km :paranoid:




*opens a can of motor oil, pours it on the ground*




Bubble181 said:
Why would any sane human want to continue to drive a gas car beyond 150K km? All the good's out of it by then, really.
Cost, pure and simple. No more monthly payments, lower insurance.

Here in the USA, we have an incredible lack of diesel vehicles. Back in the 80's you could buy a diesel or 4WD Escort, but nowadays diesel is few and far between. Depending on who you ask, this is either because Government and Big Oil are in bed together or because the fastidious American consumer is not willing to put up with the despicable smell of diesel. Either way, I call bullshit.

Hopefully, thanks to the introduction of vehicles like the VW TDI Series (drool), that will change. I would love to see Subaru come out with a turbocharged diesel-powered car, and I'm happy to see that they're finally on their way (I've been waiting for them to pull the trigger on this for years).





Ugh. Living in the #1 diesel country in the world (with, what, 80% of vehicules using diesel, iirc...that does, of course, include trucks), I don't see why you'd want them. They produce more smog, more fine dust, more particles; they last longer and diesel's slightly cheaper, but the cars themselves are slightly more expensive...Gah.

I'm an absolute diesel hater, as far as cars are concerned, honestly. You can literally *see* the difference if the car in front of you is a diesel or a benzine car...Yuck.

And lower insurance on more accident-prone, less safe cars? You americans are ca-razee.




Nothing is wrong with driving a high-milage vehicule. Some of us cannot afford to buy a new car after 150k km. My 1992 Accord has just over 300k km and still gets 7.5L/100km or 36mi/gallon. As long as you do the maintenance and buy a decent car to begin with there should be no problems. My 1992 Mazda had just over 400k when I finally blew a valve and replaced it.


Le Quack

I know the feeling.

I just had my car put to sleep, after cashing for clunkering her in for a newer, younger, sexier car.

I felt terrible for a week.


Damn, that sucks. First car I ever owned is ten years old, a '98 Civic, and I will be really sad when I have to give him up for whatever reason.

(Yes, it's a he, and his name is Bud.)



A dark horse

It's always sad to see a car you like die, but with that many miles, it sounds like you got a lot of use out of it. I only got to put 40,000 on my first car ( I bought it with 90,000 ) before I to put it down for transmission reasons ... hated the thing.



My car (named Jean Claude Grand Am), is a piece of garbage, and I can't wait to get a new car. I love him, and then he dies. And then I hate him. And then my dad fixes him. And then I love him. And then he dies. Rinse and repeat. (his other nickname is the Grandamnit)


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Lally said:
My car (named Jean Claude Grand Am)



I just spent £1500 on a car worth less than that, purely because I don't want to see it die, it means far too much to me :(




Lally said:
My car (named Jean Claude Grand Am), is a piece of garbage, and I can't wait to get a new car. I love him, and then he dies. And then I hate him. And then my dad fixes him. And then I love him. And then he dies. Rinse and repeat. (his other nickname is the Grandamnit)
That's a great reason to learn to fix cars yourself...




Sorry about your loss...

can... we.... get someone to.... photoshop the picture of him.... with all that red hair...... to look like a viking? Please?



SeriousJay said:
Sorry about your loss...

can... we.... get someone to.... photoshop the picture of him.... with all that red hair...... to look like a viking? Please?
Gaaaaah!! I would *so* oblige except for the fact that my monitor went kablooie :waah: :waah: I want my photoshop back :waah:
