Real Life Nicknames?

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With the popularity of Ed's nickname Turbo as a new forum inside joke, I was wondering if anyonelse around here had some interesting nicknames they've carried around in the "world of the real".

I'll start it off with mine:

My gf and a few close friends pretty much shortened my name (and slightly altered it) to "Chassy". For a while growing up, I was called "Negra" (doesn't have the same meaning as the english version exactly) as I had darker skin than alot of my family members and friends. Also was "Flaca" throughout Junior High and High School as my extremely high metabolism made me pretty much a skeleton no matter how much I ate.

I was called Frank the tank in high school due to my being a) a football player b) fat.

I used to get called Crank by my cousins due to my sparkling personality.
I was 'King Bob' in high school. Whenever I wanted to sign something with a false name, I just changed it to the more person-sounding name 'Robert King' ... which shortens into my current screen name.

Other than that, I've been 'Lunchbox,' 'Tons of fun,' 'Piggy' (of Lord of the Flies fame), and 'Guts.' Looking at those now, I see that they're not that flattering overall ...
Too many to count; but some of the more recurring are: PB, Spew, Vader, Hacksaw, Sneaky Pirate, Captain Asshole, Danger Ranger, ...
Rob King said:
I was 'King Bob' in high school. Whenever I wanted to sign something with a false name, I just changed it to the more person-sounding name 'Robert King' ... which shortens into my current screen name.
Not sure why but all I could think of was:

HCGLNS said:
Too many to count; but some of the more recurring are: Vader...
"Which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?" :zoid:


Staff member
Let's see now...

- Miksu (diminutive of my first name, Mikko)
- Mettis (not Métis; again a diminutive, this time of my surname)
- Hairy Little Magic Player (given to me by a friend of a friend in local geek circles; strange because I've not played Magic the Gathering once, I am certainly not little [I am fat]... but I am hairy)
- Lätty/Wentzel (character names from the Medieval Market that kinda stuck with me; Lätty also means 'pancake')
- Tapsa (diminutive of my middle name, Tapio. For some reason my asshole of a brother-in-law insisting on calling me like this)
- Furby, Furbs (nickname used by my best friend and the people from the WoW/LotRO guild I used to frequent; comes from the name of my old main, Furadin)
- Nubcake (also used by my best friend)
In public school/ High school:
Bobby Hill, because I used to look a lot like Bobby Hill.
Squirtle, because I kind of resemble Squirtle as well.
Turtle, again. I kinda look like a turtle.

More recently:
D-Rox (Both a play on my name, Derek)
Spence Diamonds (My last name's Spencer)
Mutton Chop supreme (I have big sideburns)
I have three nicknames and I am not fond of either of them. But luckily only a couple of people call me them.

"Bri Bri" (My niece calls me that)

"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"

"Commander Toad" I used to have this nick name because when I was real little I used to love reading the "Commander Toad" books.
I never really had a nickname, but growing up I was always accidentally called by my brother's name by everyone, including close friends and family members. It was really hard to deal with it... it was like everyone refused to acknowledge my existence. When I got older and it was easier to tell me apart from him, everyone started to calling my by my FATHER'S NAME (as I apparently look like his double)... including his mother when she came down with Alzheimer's. That was even worse than being confused with my brother.
hylian said:
"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"
Hylian, you just reminded me of one that used to drive me up the wall.

Back in high school I was dating this younger girl (probably 2yrs younger than me, I was a sophmore she was a freshman) and her parents were really laid back and totally accepted her, who also were gracious enough to keep my secret from my family. Her dad ALWAYS called me "Tiger" though. :angry: I couldn't stand it and had no idea where he got it from. Like, what did I look like? Some preppy spoiled white guy? :eek:rly: I'm freakin dark-skinned and hispanic! :Leyla:
Shegokigo said:
hylian said:
"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"
Hylian, you just reminded me of one that used to drive me up the wall.

Back in high school I was dating this younger girl (probably 2yrs younger than me, I was a sophmore she was a freshman) and her parents were really laid back and totally accepted her, who also were gracious enough to keep my secret from my family. Her dad ALWAYS called me "Tiger" though. :angry: I couldn't stand it and had no idea where he got it from. Like, what did I look like? Some preppy spoiled white guy? :eek:rly: I'm freakin dark-skinned and hispanic! :Leyla:
Maybe he was a Spider-Man fan.

Occasional Poster

North_Ranger said:
- Furby, Furbs (nickname used by my best friend and the people from the WoW/LotRO guild I used to frequent; comes from the name of my old main, Furadin)
I used Furadin for my dwarf in WAR before it evolved into Fiuradhun. I'm pretty sure that I had not seen it anywhere before either. What are the odds? :D

I generally don't respond to anything but my first name so most nicknames that people have tried for me don't stick. Some use my surname, my aunts and a friend's mother use Ante (short for my first name), co-workers of my father used Taggen (the thorn) and others have tried briefly with Allan and Limpan (loaf of bread).


Staff member
I was nicknamed Wildman in high school by one group of friends. (Yes, it was one of those ironic nicknames.)

Figment, in my screen name, actually refers to, not so much a nickname, but the fact that several of my friends thought I didn't exist at one point. I was thought to be imaginary. I'd gone to the first semester of a magnet school, trying new a new school structure for teaching. Then my chronic health problems kicked in and I had to drop-out. So the new kids the second semester heard about the way things were different first semester. How there were beanbag chairs, and almost no class schedules. How the food was awful and how much tension there was between different groups of students. They also heard about me. Goodness knows why I got featured in enough stories to become legendary, but when I was finally talked into coming to a Christmas party, people actually asked me if I was an actor hired to play the part.

Yup, a boring to the point of irony to one group, fabled genius who can't possibly be true to another. I had a rather weird life during my high school years.
I work at a lan center and I have Nick "HoboNinja" Seemann on my nametag and go by HoboNinja in all my names so a lot of people including my good friends call me hobo.


Staff member
I've never had a nickname. Anytime anyone calls me something resembling a nickname, it just never sticks.

The longest one was "The Bry-Man" which lasted a week.

I got the nickname "Tink" or "Tinkerbell" for a whopping 2 days after I went to a costume party as Tinkerbell. (Yes, it was hilarious.)

Oh! Come to think of it, my ex used to call me "Pauppy" (like puppy but with an "aw" sound) as a pet name. I really don't remember why and I hated it when she did.

My current gf refers to me as "the boy" to her friends and family, but that's not a nickname so much as just something she does. =P
For a while, my boss kept calling me Jason Castro during the last season of American Idol. It was done at first as a joke, and then I was mistaken for him three or four times while out and about it stuck for closer to four or five months.

Throughout middle/high school, friends nicknamed me "The Spider Guy" because I was really into arachnology/entomology, and brought a couple of my tarantulas to the school's science exhibit.

Le Quack

There's a guy that works with me at guitar center and everyone calls him Catfish.

-- Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:54 pm --

Also, I was introduced as "No Smiles" Miles when I was in a shitty alt rock band, and it caught on. I was "No Smiles" until I told the singer he fucked his sister and quit the band.
Nicknames are actually a huge thing in my family. Almost everyone in my grandmother's family on down have nicknames. My mother and some of my uncles aren't even known at all by their real names. For instance, my mother's nickname is Cookie and everyone calls her that, and don't even know her real name.

Mine was Deke, but I always hated it and no longer go by it.

Le Quack

CrimsonSoul said:
North_Ranger said:
[quote="Philosopher B.":3nyqqzmk]I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.
Shark-bait oh ha ha![/quote:3nyqqzmk]

Hey man, Don't be makin' fun of Sharkbait. He's a good guy!
Le Quack said:
CrimsonSoul said:
[quote="North_Ranger":sey7ir1p][quote="Philosopher B.":sey7ir1p]I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.
Shark-bait oh ha ha![/quote:sey7ir1p]

Hey man, Don't be makin' fun of Sharkbait. He's a good guy![/quote:sey7ir1p]

Yeah, its not his fault he has a bad fin!
A friend of mine came out to this city for university last year, and when I was introducing him to some of my friends, I ignored his name initially and said "This is that awesome guy."

He was called "Awesome guy" for a month, before it was shortened to "Awesome." At a halloween party someone misheard it as "Ozzy," and by some fluke, now everybody calls him that. It's gotten to the point where nobody knows him by any other name.

Oh, and was another guy with my last name in my social circle a few years ago. I'm Josh, and the other one was Jeremy. This one guy, Andrew, kept getting our names confused, even after Jeremy dropped off the face of the earth. To retaliate for him always getting my name wrong, I decided to ignore his real name "Andrew" and call him "Richard" until he got my name right.

We've since learned each-other's names, but we still never go by them.
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