[PC Game] Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues (Lord British Returns)

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That whole Kickstarter is fishy.

Garriott is like Molyneux, dudes haven't made a good game in over a decade each.
I loved the Ultima Franchise. I must have played over a thousand hours on the Black Gate and the Serpent Isle alone.

This looks... I don't know. The fact that they're talking about "player housing" and multiplayer makes me suspect this will suck hard. If it was a dedicated solo adventure or maybe a small multiplayer component (just a few people playing together I would be more interested.

As it is it kind of sounds like another MMO Ultima Online rehash. Maybe I'm wrong... and I would like to be wrong on this as I love the Ultima games.
After the crap Richard Garriott said recently, I have written him off for the rest of my life as anything more then an old doofus.
I love Tabula Rasa and he cost me that game staying alive. I don't care if he was part of the development of it, I'm sure it would have been amazing without him.
I have been an Ultima fan as long as I can remember - literally. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on a lap while people played Ultima II on the Commodore 64.

My favorite has always been Ultima VI. I have put serious thought into having the Latin for Truth, Love and Courage as a tattoo, simply because I think it's an elegant philosophy that can be applied to so much in life.

Yes, it's a damned shame that after Ultima VII (Well, Serpent Isle, I suppose...) the series just sort of went... meh.

I never got to play Ultima Online, and from what all I heard, I'm not really minding that fact.

I want this to be a good thing so badly. But I'm fairly sure it won't be.
Apparently Garriott has seen some of those Ultima videos Spoony did and found them hilarious. I just know we're going to see him in a video some day...
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