Speak English Motherfucker!

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PHILADELPHIA - The owner of a famous cheesesteak shop did not discriminate when he posted signs asking customers to speak English, a city panel ruled Wednesday.

In a 2-1 vote, a Commission on Human Relations panel found that two signs at Geno's Steaks telling customers, \"This is America: WHEN ORDERING 'PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH,'\" do not violate the city's Fair Practices Ordinance.

Shop owner Joe Vento has said he posted the signs in October 2005 because of concerns over immigration reform and an increasing number of people in the area who could not order in English.
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Vento has said he never refused service to anyone because they couldn't speak English. But critics argued that the signs discourage customers of certain backgrounds from eating at the shop.

Commissioners Roxanne E. Covington and Burt Siegel voted to dismiss the complaint, finding that the sign does not communicate that business will be \"refused, withheld or denied.\"

In a dissenting opinion, Commissioner Joseph J. Centeno said he thought the signs did discourage some customers.

\"The sign appeared immediately above another sign that had the following words: 'Management Reserves the Right to Refuse Service,'\" Centeno wrote.

New immigrants in Italian neighborhood
Geno's and its chief rival across the street, Pat's King of Steaks, are two of the city's best known cheesesteak venues. A growing number of Asian and Latin American immigrants have moved into the traditionally Italian neighborhood in recent years.

Vento had threatened to go to court if he lost. His attorney, Albert G. Weiss, said he was \"pleasantly surprised\" by Wednesday's decision.

\"We expected that this was not going to go our way,\" Weiss said.

In February 2007, the commission found probable cause against Geno's for discrimination, alleging that the policy discourages customers of certain backgrounds from eating there.

The case went to a public hearing, where an attorney for the commission argued that the sign was about intimidation, not political speech. The matter then went to the three-member panel for a ruling.

W. Nick Taliaferro, the commission's executive director, said he would not appeal.
I actually went to eat at this place the other day and saw the sign. I gotta say I agree with it.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Makes perfect sense to me. Dealing with the language barrier at work is such a difficult ordeal. Tourists I can understand, but non-English speaking residents are downright frustrating.
I'd feel more comfortable if the "Speak English when ordering" part wasn't prefaced with "This is America," but yeah it makes sense to me too. Can't expect the staff to know Italian and Spanish and Chinese etc.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

bhamv3 said:
I'd feel more comfortable if the "Speak English when ordering" part wasn't prefaced with "This is America," but yeah it makes sense to me too. Can't expect the staff to know Italian and Spanish and Chinese etc.

The restaurant is located right by a Mexican neighborhood, so Geno gets pissed when they come to his place and start ordering in Spanish. This actually happened when I was in line for a sandwich there. He pointed to the sign and the dude didn't get what was going on. Finally after some talking to his friend, the guy starts ordering in broken English. That's how you learn to speak another language! It wasn't a matter of the guy not understanding or not being able to speak English. He pretty much expected everyone else to know Spanish because it's easier for him!


Speak English mothersmurfer!

I continue to be amazed by happening upon whole households who speak no English at all. We'll get called for Various Unknown Emergency, and when we get there, someone will be speaking Haitian Creole at us, and... well, it's certainly not a language you take in high school, so we all do alot of pointing and charades and pantomime, and of course you've always got that one guy who speaks LOUD English-
"Ed- he can't understand loud English either..."
"Well he said he doesn't speak English!"
"Yeah- that's probably the only phrase he knows besides 'Which way to the bathroom?' ya know?"

We can't exactly put that sign up though. Of course, there are a good number of native English speakers I'd like to hold that sign up for as well!


Speak English mothersmurfer!

bhamv3 said:
I'd feel more comfortable if the "Speak English when ordering" part wasn't prefaced with "This is America," but yeah it makes sense to me too. Can't expect the staff to know Italian and Spanish and Chinese etc.

While English isn't the 'official' language, it might as well be. My parents and grandparents learned to speak English back in the 70's somehow. These lazy fucks can learn too. I friggin' hate how everything is catered towards Spanish speaking individuals anymore. Where's the Polish option on the phone for my great-grandma? If you cater to one language you should pamper all of them...
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Chazwozel said:
If you cater to one language you should pamper all of them...
Nah, if you cater to one language, you should cater to the one spoken by the group that's going to be the majority in this country in the not-so-distant future.
It amazes me how someone can come from Mexico, be here for 20 years, and not learn English. And then someone can come from Africa, and I imagine Fulani is far more removed from English than Spanish is removed from English, and learn the language in 3 years.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Chazwozel said:
If you cater to one language you should pamper all of them...
Nah, if you cater to one language, you should cater to the one spoken by the group that's going to be the majority in this country in the not-so-distant future.

That's what they say... Spanish is still not going to be the business language of the world.
I'm Flemish, my opinion on language issues is supposed to be ignored.
That said, I fullly agree with the sentiment of the owner :-P
Speak English mothersmurfer!

How can someone live in USA and not learn the language? My english is not the best of the world but I learned by myself just watching television and playing videogames. I never had a conversation in english in my whole life.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

I wish my store would post a sign like that. I have assholes getting in my face at least several times a day if we don't have someone who speaks Spanish (although it's happened with quite a few Polish-speakers too, Chaz :D ) at their beck and call. I'll usually tell them that someone will get to them when they get to them, and 50-60% of the time, they end up getting impatient and talking to me in broken but perfectly passable English anyway. As long as this country makes it easy for them to remain ignorant of its dominant language, they're never going to learn to speak English. "Press 1 for English" my ass.


Staff member
It's up to the person in the foreign country to at least try and learn the language and culture. That's common sense and decency.

HOWEVER, it's none of my business if a company wants to include other languages on its product or in its store. That would just be good business sense on their part. Even though doing something the guy in the OP did is just as good. Freedom of Speech, and different ways to run your business. Life is dandy!
Speak English mothersmurfer!

escushion said:
It amazes me how someone can come from Mexico, be here for 20 years, and not learn English. And then someone can come from Africa, and I imagine Fulani is far more removed from English than Spanish is removed from English, and learn the language in 3 years.
That's because Mexican people are lazy?


Speak English mothersmurfer!

Puedo ver porqué el hablar en otra lengua puede ser difícil. Mucho algo intentaría aprender la lengua materna cuando visitar otro país entonces que intenta inglés de la fuerza adentro deja para decir Japón. Además, pienso que intentando aprender otra lengua es fresco. Todavía no soy bueno en él sin embargo.



Speak English mothersmurfer!

SeriousJay said:
escushion said:
It amazes me how someone can come from Mexico, be here for 20 years, and not learn English. And then someone can come from Africa, and I imagine Fulani is far more removed from English than Spanish is removed from English, and learn the language in 3 years.
That's because Mexican people are lazy?
It's not going to be Shego lurking in the shadows ready to shank you in a dark alley

It'll be Calleja
escushion said:
It amazes me how someone can come from Mexico, be here for 20 years, and not learn English. And then someone can come from Africa, and I imagine Fulani is far more removed from English than Spanish is removed from English, and learn the language in 3 years.
No kidding, one of my trainers at depot was African. He spoke perfect English and his name literally began with two clicks of the tongue when spoken correctly.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

I don't have a problem with it, but I do feel like the sign could be a little more polite...

also I don't like 'THIS IS 'MERICA'
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Chazwozel said:
If you cater to one language you should pamper all of them...
Nah, if you cater to one language, you should cater to the one spoken by the group that's going to be the majority in this country in the not-so-distant future.
Mandarin/English mix?

Oh and on topic:

Wasabi Poptart

You mean people speak English in Philly? Who knew! Fuggedaboutit. :D
I'll take my cheesesteak "witout", btw.
I lived in Laredo Texas for about a year. Spanish speakers as a main language vs English was probably 20 to 1.

Yeah I'm Hispanic and fully fluent in the language, but damn.... couldn't stand the place. There were more reasons than that, but it was a large factor.
Eh. I can point out the neighbourhoods in Brussels where the French and Dutch street name signs have been replaced with (obivously illegal) ones in Arabic; and where sales posters and price tags are all unilingual. Come back when Spanish is written in an alphabet you don't recognise :-P


Speak English mothersmurfer!

HowDroll said:
I wish my store would post a sign like that. I have * getting in my face at least several times a day if we don't have someone who speaks Spanish (although it's happened with quite a few Polish-speakers too, Chaz :D ) at their beck and call. I'll usually tell them that someone will get to them when they get to them, and 50-60% of the time, they end up getting impatient and talking to me in broken but perfectly passable English anyway. As long as this country makes it easy for them to remain ignorant of its dominant language, they're never going to learn to speak English. "Press 1 for English" my a**.

I'd be annoyed with Pollacks who don't learn to speak English too. If my 85 year old great-grandma can speak broken English at the grocery store to pay the cashier then any Eastern European can do the same!

-- Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:46 pm --

WildSoul said:
You mean people speak English in Philly? Who knew! Fuggedaboutit. :D
I'll take my cheesesteak "witout", btw.

This is "threw". Philly is a shithole to begin with, I resent everyday that my dream job is in downtown Philly. I hate this city so fucking much, but I do love wearing my Steelers and Penguins shirts around and getting sassed for it. :D


Staff member
Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

LordRavage said:
Puedo ver porqué el hablar en otra lengua puede ser difícil. Mucho algo intentaría aprender la lengua materna cuando visitar otro país entonces que intenta inglés de la fuerza adentro deja para decir Japón. Además, pienso que intentando aprender otra lengua es fresco. Todavía no soy bueno en él sin embargo.

*stabs you in the face*



Staff member
Speak English mothersmurfer!

This is a private business, right? What happened to personal freedom, even if it concerns something that makes us uncomfortable? I'm a little unsettled by this Fair Practices thing.
North_Ranger said:
Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.

As long as they don't try to get help in Russian....;-)

Fade: so you think I should be allowed to post a sign "No negroes, darkies, or spics" on my store, too? Fun :-P
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