Now that I'm more awake, more comments about the new Disney movie:
-I liked that there was a nod towards the bigotry of the time. It wasn't stated out right, but it was a kind of a shitty, "diplomatic" remark by a real estate agent who lived in Tiana's town.
-Tiana's spoiled, white best friend wasn't just a hollow, bratty girl. There were little traces of depth and kindness in her. She wasn't there just to be a a foil and a rival like I thought.
-The whole message was really valuable, and the villian provided a great contrast to that message.
-WOOOO, Dr. John!
-The Zydeco number was very enjoyable.

A big swarm of fireflies was a good choice to portray the Cajun people--close-knit and oh-so-brilliant... although missing a few teeth.
-The old New Orleans houses were beautifully done. The backgrounds as a whole were very cool. I especially liked the graveyard.
It really nice to see my home in a Disney cartoon. I, who usually dislike "princessy" stuff loved this new take on a Disney 'princess'... kind of in the spirit of Mulan. I'd recommend it.