I played https://squaredle.com 02/04:
*44/44 words (+1 bonus word)
In the top 18% by accuracy
Solve streak: 118

I had perfect accuracy until like the last 5 words, and then I got stuck, and then I was all like, "Hmm, they listed minx as a verb, so maybe minxed is a word? Maybe? Should I give it a try?"
I played https://squaredle.com 02/05:
*35/35 words (+3 bonus words)
In the top 31% by accuracy
Solve streak: 353

while I do occasionally just lose accuracy because of trying a wrong spelling, the best majority of cases are just swiping and accidentally hitting a wrong letter on a diagonal, or being too quick. I know how to spell negligence, but neglignet? Sure, I think that's a whole! :confused: