XenForo REQUEST Thread

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Staff member
This thread is for what you'd like to see here. Please note that we will be taking all requests seriously but things will be taken very, very slowly.
I would like the text in posts to not be so freaking huge.
I would like to be able to read the information under people's avatars in XFStopFluid.
I would like to be able to go to the first unread post in a thread like on the old boards.
I would like to be able to see how many pages are in a thread without having to mouse over.
I would like to not have my info pane collide with the search bar on the main forum page in GameOn.

I think that's about it for now.


Staff member
I would like to be able to go to the first unread post in a thread like on the old boards.
I would like to be able to see how many pages are in a thread without having to mouse over.
I definitely second these two. A "first unread post" link, from outside the thread, is a necessity.


Staff member
Actually, clicking the link should take you to the first unread. I'll have to test this out better, I guess.
Pages in a thread I'll look at.
Clicking the link takes you to the first post in the thread.

Edit: It seems as though the search bar and everything in its row in GameOn collides with whatever is beneath it when the website is viewed at anything less than 1600 pixels wide.


Staff member
The date link or the actual thread? There are two ways of reading a thread from the list.

  1. Clicking on the thread subject takes you to the first unread. If the thread has been read it takes you to the first post.
  2. Clicking on the date below the subject line opens it immediately to the first post.


Staff member
There should be. For some reason it's working for me but Ame is confirming that it's not for her, so....


Staff member
1. No it doesn't. It takes me to the first post.
The forum switchover reset last visit/read times to a week ago or more. Once you read a thread, and then it gets new post, you'll then actually go to new posts. (Unless you've already taken that into account, and are having another problem.)
Added at: 15:05
Hey, Dave, what's the time limit set for on merging new posts? i.e. How long do I have to wait between posts in the Cosplay thread to make sure they come out as separate?
I would love to not be able to see "Staff Online" on my right. That puts too much importance to who's got what here. What I'd kindly suggets is to remove it, we never needed it and find perhaps a little mod that allows us to see our friends online. :)
Ummm no. I don't have that.

And it seems friends don't even exist anymore. I got a really old list of friends who have been half converted to Followers and Following... did my friend list just change to a Twitter account? lol

Yeah, I updated the list. I'm interested to see what will happen. Though the ability to either remove or hide the staff option would be fantastic.
Added at: 17:34
In the previous version of these nice new forums was a neat feature that allowed a forum to be automatically considered all read when you double clicked the icon for the forum on the main index. Such an option would be awesome.
I wouldn't even blame the mods so much as those of us who were sub-mods. It would be weird to double click in General and then for me in Arts I'd freak out if I accidentally locked one of the threads.
I haven't had a chance to test yet, but does the new forum still have a tapatalk plugin? I know myself and someone else (DarkAudit, I think) use this extensively to visit the forum.
Oh, that's fine.

Another request. Character limitation in posts. In my DM thread, I keep tracks on all the ongoing and I cannot make simple modifications to add or even remove content. Is there something that can do done? It is a big post.
Yes, when there is time, that would be a nice feature to have back. I only had a couple people, but it was definitely worth it.
It would be very convenient if the "What's New" button were located at the bottom of the forum as well as at the top. This is something I always thought the old board should have, too.

If I'm using what's new to read posts, then when I get to the bottom of the thread, I have to scroll back to the top to hit what's new again.


Staff member
Ignores are something I really, really, really want to have. In fact, not having them was very nearly a deal breaker for not making the move. But with Ame leaving I needed a software platform that I could use & understand. vB just wasn't it. Plus they pissed me off and made it so very hard to work with.

So as soon as Ignores are available they will be coming back. To the sounds of trumpets from on high.


Staff member
Me too. Especially now that I've fixed the What's New button to actually show everything that is new.
The confirmation popup when I want to mark all as read is annoying as hell.
Added at: 08:11
Also, the post box is freaking huge! It is easily half the vertical length of the page right now.
When I click in the WYSIWYG editor to type a post, it expands to a very, very large size.
Added at: 08:29
By the way, I am on Chrome, OSX version.


Staff member
When I click in the WYSIWYG editor to type a post, it expands to a very, very large size.
Added at: 08:29
By the way, I am on Chrome, OSX version.
Anyone else confirm/duplicate this? I do not have the ability to attempt to duplicate as I don't have a Mac.
Ok, it got weirder. When I first click to enter a message, it is a normal size. When I start typing, it adds a row to the height of the message box for each letter I type. It seems to reach a maximum, though, which is still quite large. Sorry, this should probably be in the bugs thread. I only noticed it when I came to bitch about the Mark As Read pop-up.
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