A.I. is B.S.

Dec 18, 2008
Too lazy to bother, so just pretend this is an AI mash-up of Bear Grylls doing the Jack Nickelson head nodding gif.
Jan 30, 2009
Nice country, too bad it's inhabited...
So now that ChatGPT is free, i though to ask it a few questions, like:

what is the purpose of meaning :

The purpose of meaning is a profound question that has been pondered by philosophers, psychologists, and thinkers for centuries. While there may not be a single definitive answer, many perspectives converge on the idea that meaning provides direction, fulfillment, and significance to our lives.

1. **Guidance**: Meaning can serve as a compass, guiding our actions and decisions. When we have a sense of purpose or meaning, we are more likely to make choices that align with our values and goals.

2. **Fulfillment**: Meaning gives us a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It provides a deeper sense of connection to our actions, relationships, and experiences, enhancing our overall well-being.

3. **Resilience**: Having a sense of meaning can help us cope with challenges and adversity. When we understand the significance of our experiences, we may be better equipped to find meaning even in difficult circumstances, which can foster resilience and perseverance.

4. **Connection**: Meaning often involves a sense of connection—to others, to the world around us, and to something greater than ourselves. This connection can cultivate empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging.

5. **Legacy**: Many people seek meaning as a way to leave a lasting impact or legacy. Whether through personal accomplishments, contributions to society, or the relationships we nurture, we hope to create something meaningful that will endure beyond our own lives.

Ultimately, the pursuit of meaning is deeply personal and varies from individual to individual. It encompasses questions of identity, purpose, morality, and existence, and it often evolves over time as we grow, learn, and experience life.

2 + 2 = mount rushmore

It seems like you're referencing an equation humorously. While "2 + 2 = Mount Rushmore" may not be a mathematically accurate statement, it's reminiscent of the way we sometimes play with language and ideas for amusement or to make a point. Mount Rushmore is a well-known landmark featuring the faces of four prominent U.S. presidents carved into the side of a mountain, so the equation serves as a playful juxtaposition.
Clearly it hasn't watched enough Cartoon Network.


Staff member
Dec 6, 2008
SE Texas
AI is fucking evil especially to minorities.jpg

This is more of an indictment of how Palestine is treated by the media and pop culture, than it is specifically a criticism of so-called-AI, but it is a good reminder of GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out).
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