[Gaming] Baldur's Gate 3

Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
So, this is turning out to be a pretty big game, so I'm making a dedicated thread for it.

This game is a fucking masterpiece. It's not flawless, I've run into a few bugs and being such a big game I've had a few instances where certain game systems just kinda broke, but none of that detracts from how much fun I'm having.

My best moment, so far, has been a certain hobgoblin boss I was having a hard time defeating. Then I started thinking outside the box, and took a trip to the apothecary.

With a potion of invisibility, I walked in, strode up to the boss, and shoved him off a cliff to his immediate death.

Before his underlings could act I drank another invisibility potion and then walked out
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Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
That's some ant-man-up-thanos's-ass level tomfoolery there.
I've found a lot of surprising outside the box ways to kill people. Because even on normal difficulty, the game is hard... D&D 5e can be a cruel system in combat when you are outnumbered, meaning you are really incentivized to find ways to not have to take on 20 guys at once. I've had situations where I turned the tables by having a rogue climbing up into the rafters and hiding there through an entire conversation, and the moment it ends having him reveal himself to start sneak-attacking fools for automatic crits. I've discovered that the silence status affliction also makes a character unable to scream for help, allowing me to Julius Caesar a goblin priestess in her chamber while her underlings partied and got drunk outside, and I've used an elixir of giant's growth to move a large object in front of a door so the bandits outside can't come in while I took out their leader and then snuck out through the window using a scroll of gaseous form.
Jul 23, 2009
Taipei, Taiwan
If D:OS and D:OS2 are any indication, Larian absolutely love allowing players to come up with innovative solutions to challenging situations. There are many strategies and tricks in D:OS2 that are unabashedly overpowered, and Larian have basically said, "We don't care, we're not patching those tricks out, we want to reward players for thinking outside the box and being clever."


Nov 27, 2008
I can see mountains!
There's a lot of issues with this game. ESPECIALLY in co-op, where I'm playing with a group of 4, and we can't do any companion quests because we can't put them in the party. (And we are also missing story from the two people who picked a companion character as a base, because they aren't having the same interactions.)
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
There's a lot of issues with this game. ESPECIALLY in co-op, where I'm playing with a group of 4, and we can't do any companion quests because we can't put them in the party. (And we are also missing story from the two people who picked a companion character as a base, because they aren't having the same interactions.)
One of the biggest problems I'm running into playing solo is having not all of my party enter combat at the same time, and me not noticing. I've gotten into the habit of paying attention to fix it, but it is annoying.

Also sometimes my UI will disappear and the only way I've found to fix it is to save and quit and come back. I've swapped over to using directx instead of vulkan, we'll see if that helps.
Nov 27, 2008
East Texas
Ok but what about
When you find the bugbear slamming a female ogre's ass while she eats a person?
I was *just * telling someone about this.

I've ran into some of the minor bugs, like the whole party not entering combat. But I've also run into a big one that's existed evidently for years during early access: Getting encumbered permanently. I had to actually kill my character and revivify him to have it clear.
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
So, since this game is kinda hard, I've been forced to actually learn the D&D 5e rules, and more importantly, how to break them.

There's an in-game way to respec your character, so you never have to feel bad about choosing the wrong skills or feats, for just some gold you can reset it all and pick it all again.

So while my level 6 warlock was feeling a little puny at times, after learning the game systems more, I am now a level 2 fighter/level 2 warlock/level 2 sorcerer, and I am a god among men.


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
Buddy and I are doing co-op. We went into an owlbear cave where a mommy owlbear was protecting baby owlbear. Being the exp starved idiots we are, we attacked. At one point my buddy's Dwarven barbarian picked up the baby owlbear and used it as an improvised weapon to attack the mom!!

Yeah...we laughed like idiots.
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
Buddy and I are doing co-op. We went into an owlbear cave where a mommy owlbear was protecting baby owlbear. Being the exp starved idiots we are, we attacked. At one point my buddy's Dwarven barbarian picked up the baby owlbear and used it as an improvised weapon to attack the mom!!

Yeah...we laughed like idiots.
You get an achievement for that!
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Jul 23, 2009
Taipei, Taiwan
BTW, how necessary is it to play or be familiar with the earlier BG games to play BG3? Cause I'm probably gonna get this game eventually but I've never played a BG game before. I wouldn't be opposed to reading their Wikipedia articles or watching a video that summarizes them, if needed.

Also how familiar do you need to be with D&D mechanics? Like should I know specific game mechanics, or is it okay to go in just knowing "roll dice, get results"?
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
BTW, how necessary is it to play or be familiar with the earlier BG games to play BG3? Cause I'm probably gonna get this game eventually but I've never played a BG game before. I wouldn't be opposed to reading their Wikipedia articles or watching a video that summarizes them, if needed.

Also how familiar do you need to be with D&D mechanics? Like should I know specific game mechanics, or is it okay to go in just knowing "roll dice, get results"?
The connection to the previous games is setting. There are some characters from the original that appear, but the story is its own thing and requires no previous knowledge. Knowing D&D 5e helps, as you sink your teeth into it you'll probably find yourself looking up some guides on the finer details, but is also not required and the game teaches you the basics.
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Nov 27, 2008
Played it a bit when it was early access. Had a bunch of fun having my guys push people off of things.

Didn’t like it so much when a group of Minotaurs jumped over my front line to destroy my mage.


Nov 27, 2008
I can see mountains!
I’m thinking of getting this game as well. I heard it runs great on Steam Deck.
It runs on low graphics and eats battery pretty bad. It also needs about 120gb of space.

But if you don't care about that, it does run without stutters and the controller commands are fine if you're used to radial menus.
Nov 27, 2008
Game's got that Fallout magic.

Where YOU COULD just buy Vic from the slavers, or you could get the whole camp drunk (manually using booze on them, most characters will not refuse free liquor) and murder them all in the dark of night where they can't hit the broad side of the barn, cause they're drunk and slaving scum. Or join them, you know, be slaving scum.

That second option isn't highlighted by dialog or anything, it's just something you can do if you think of it. I fucking love this shit. This game branches so hard so often I feel like I'm not playing anything else for a VERY long time.

More Black Isle style of RPG making and less Bioware (yes I'm aware of that irony) please. Thank you Larian.
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Nov 27, 2008
I can see mountains!
I've been playing on Tactician and I find it pretty easy.

But I also played the shit out of the Divinity games, and love tactical games, so I know what to expect.
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
Game's got that Fallout magic.

Where YOU COULD just buy Vic from the slavers, or you could get the whole camp drunk (manually using booze on them, most characters will not refuse free liquor) and murder them all in the dark of night where they can't hit the broad side of the barn, cause they're drunk and slaving scum. Or join them, you know, be slaving scum.

That second option isn't highlighted by dialog or anything, it's just something you can do if you think of it. I fucking love this shit. This game branches so hard so often I feel like I'm not playing anything else for a VERY long time.

More Black Isle style of RPG making and less Bioware (yes I'm aware of that irony) please. Thank you Larian.
I'm 30 hours in and I'm still in act 1. This game is amazing. Also I am lost as shit in the underdark.

I personally multiclassed the shit out of my player character, just to get all the goodies early. But being a level 2 Fighter/Level 2 Warlock/Level 2 Sorcerer might mean I can machine gun super hard hitting eldritch blasts, but it also means I don't really have any high level spells, so in the last fight I brought Gale along to see just what a level 6 pure wizard could do.

*cue the weathergirls*
Nov 27, 2008
Lae'Zel, whom I don't remember approving of almost anything I've done, is suddenly VERY forward about boning. Feels like a bug.
Nov 26, 2008
America's wang
Lae'Zel, whom I don't remember approving of almost anything I've done, is suddenly VERY forward about boning. Feels like a bug.
Not a bug I don't think, she's just weird. She flirts through hatred and is attracted to strength. Like a fantasy tsundere

Now Gale on the other hand... I was just trying to be nice to him and everyone in camp started talking like we were dating


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
My buddy and I just sat back and watched while one NPC killed another one in camp.