Minor victory thread

Jun 3, 2012
I've said many times that I'm sitting on a long list of Steam keys from bundles over the years. I'm not even subscribed to Humble Choice anymore because their offerings were lacking over the years.

I really wanted the current Uplifting Adventures bundle for the most of the list. But I also didn't want to spend more on games these days. So, I posted on a Facebook group that trades keys.

One person very kindly bought and sent me the whole bundle in exchange for some games! In exchange, he got Desperados 3, Necromunda, Rogue Heroes, Killsquad, and Werewolf Apocalypse. Honestly, Necromunda and Desperados are two relatively bigger games so I feel like he got the better deal out of it, but I also got to clear some keys and get all the games I wanted it. So I'm calling it a win-win.
I got this bundle recently. I got the smaller one as I already had two of the games.

These games all look great. I’ve played Wylde Flowers and it’s a lot of fun.

Enjoy :)
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Staff member
This weekend we moved my girlfriend's desk and PC into my computer room.

Soooo with that, she's... pretty much moved in with me now.

There's still some kitchen stuff and clothes to go back for, but now she has everything she needs to live at my house full time, and not much reason at all to go back to her old place. That lease is up in April.
I am sitting at home on my work laptop, clocked in, halfheartedly working. I am also scrolling imgur, and when I see a funny image I discord it to the woman sitting 3 feet behind me who is playing 7 Days to Die. A few seconds later I hear the "hehheheheh".

This is it. This is peak existence.
That reminds me of playing City of Heroes with my college roommate years ago. He was new to the game, so I was showing him around Psragon City as Doug the Troll. Doug had smelly feet, as seen with clouds of green smoke trailing behind him.

I could hear my roommate giggling from his bedroom any time he had to run behind Doug.
  • Brofist
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Nov 27, 2008
Well, I'm still in Alberta, but I'm in St. Albert again living with my friend. Gonna help her get the house into shape for selling so we can fully move to Kamloops. This is all good news, but what I'm posting here about is I finally have an appointment with a psychiatrist to get actually diagnosed for many things my therapist has suspected for a while, that most of my anxiety, ups and downs, insomnia, etc is probably PTSD but she wasn't qualified to make that call.

This can take a while here in Soviet Canuckistan, especially in the current state of healthcare here, but it's happening.

An actual diagnosis can be a big deal when it comes to benefits and such.

High speed internet rules.
Nov 26, 2008
Posting it here to avoid an unnecessary extra thread… but Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of you. You are all amazing people. And while things are not always easy for us in our lives, it’s wonderful to see this group show their compassion and care for each other.
Thank you, everyone.
Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
Last night (Sat), I paid our credit card down to a zero balance. It's the first time since getting it that we've been able to do so, because every other time there has been some pending charge or other that prevented paying it all the way down to zero lest we accidentally OVERpay heavens no they'd have to give money back? WHAT were you thinking.

BUT since that card held our only actual active debt (not counting recurring things like bills), this means we technically closed out 2023 completely debt-free, a status neither of us has been able to claim since the late 80's.

We're thinking of doing it again next year.

Jul 23, 2009
Taipei, Taiwan
My office chair was listing off to one side because the screws on the opposite side had become loose. I couldn't screw them back in far enough with just my hand, and they're hex screws and there isn't a hex screwdriver in the office, so I just put up with it for the last couple of months.

Today I finally remembered to bring a hex screwdriver with me to work, so I spent twelve seconds tightening the screws, and now my chair is level again.
Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
I want my son to have his own things with his own generation (slang, books, movies, etc.), but I love when he gets to takes an interest in something from my own childhood. It makes me feel like some things are really pretty good, not just because they were popular at the time. Recent hits include:

Bone (the comic) - he liked it, especially the ending.
Fox Trot- even with the dated references, it makes him laugh pretty hard. Siblings never change.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - I thought it might be a little dated, but he really liked it!
Bill n' Ted's Excellent Adventure - Despite me having to explain some of the references (including winding a watch!), he was laughing pretty hard. I thought it might have been too 80's for him, but no, the jokes still hit. ...Okay, except the Van Halen and Iron Maiden ones, which needed a footnote.

Today, he started reading The Princess Bride! (Verdict so far: good!) He had forgotten that four or so years ago, we played the movie for him. And, because art imitates real life, much like the grandfather in the movie, I had to tell him it's not a "kissing book". Or rather: "Ignore the title; it's not a girly book. There's a lot of adventure, action... you're going to like it, trust me."
Jul 23, 2009
Taipei, Taiwan
Have you ever had a movie or a TV show you knew you saw many years ago, but you don't remember the name of it, you just vaguely recall a few scattered scenes or images that mean very little without context or an overall narrative? And that means it becomes almost impossible for you to find that movie or TV show again, because you have no real way of searching for it?

I had something like that, except it was for porn. Specifically, I read this dirty story maybe 20 years ago, and for some reason certain specific phrases and scenes from that story have stuck with me for the last two decades. Every now and then I'd make a half-hearted attempt to find that story again, but I never could, because I didn't know the specific combination of words to plug into Google to make it pop up. I didn't even like that story all that much (it involved certain scenarios and acts that I'm not really into) but the vague impression of it has just been stuck in my brain for 20 years. I was starting to think I'd imagined it.

Well, anyway, long story short... today I found the right phrases to plug into Google to find it again, so I was finally able to satisfy my nostalgia and read this salacious story once more.

(It's not that good.)
Nov 27, 2008
East Texas
Have you ever had a movie or a TV show you knew you saw many years ago, but you don't remember the name of it, you just vaguely recall a few scattered scenes or images that mean very little without context or an overall narrative? And that means it becomes almost impossible for you to find that movie or TV show again, because you have no real way of searching for it?

I had something like that, except it was for porn. Specifically, I read this dirty story maybe 20 years ago, and for some reason certain specific phrases and scenes from that story have stuck with me for the last two decades. Every now and then I'd make a half-hearted attempt to find that story again, but I never could, because I didn't know the specific combination of words to plug into Google to make it pop up. I didn't even like that story all that much (it involved certain scenarios and acts that I'm not really into) but the vague impression of it has just been stuck in my brain for 20 years. I was starting to think I'd imagined it.

Well, anyway, long story short... today I found the right phrases to plug into Google to find it again, so I was finally able to satisfy my nostalgia and read this salacious story once more.

(It's not that good.)
I had the same thing happen about a movie I saw as a kid. It wasn't very good, but it really stuck with me for some reason. After the internet, I spent a *Iong* time searching phrases to find it until I recently stumbled across the right keywords (though, to be fair, it could also be that there are more sites like IMDB around that make any combination of appropriate keywords more likely to find it). Phase IV And upon a rewatch, I can confirm, it's not very good :)
  • Brofist
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Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
I'm still trying to find a martial arts movie I saw on a weekly local television show as a teen. Just last month, I discovered there is a Facebook fan page for the show which has the airplay list for which movie was played during every episode of the show's ~3yr run except for a 2-3mo span. I have been working my way through this archive and am hoping it doesn't turn out to be one from the missing section.

Dec 7, 2008
I'm still trying to find a martial arts movie I saw on a weekly local television show as a teen. Just last month, I discovered there is a Facebook fan page for the show which has the airplay list for which movie was played during every episode of the show's ~3yr run except for a 2-3mo span. I have been working my way through this archive and am hoping it doesn't turn out to be one from the missing section.

Can you describe the movie?
Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
Can you describe the movie?
I thought sure I already had somewhere on the forum, but I can't seem to find it. Maybe that was reddit. Anyway...

Best I can remember, it was a story about a dude whose kung-fu isn't that great. But he's whatever passes for "cute" in those days and he meets a woman who seems to take a shine to him except that he's too thick to realize it. But the woman is no ordinary woman--she's some kind of ghost/spirit/alien or other supernatural entity because I remember at least one scene where dude gets in a fight and is clearly not as good as the people who are beating him up, but then she...merges with him or grants him her skill somehow? I seem to remember that the filmmaker uses camera tricks to momentarily superimpose her image over his with some kind of sound effect and then his kung-fu suddenly improves enough to fend off his attackers. Once the fight is over, she walks up to him and "my hero's" him, which startles him into reacting to her but this is played for laughs because we (the audience) know that his (unenhanced) kung-fu is awful and he wouldn't stand a chance against her.

At the time this aired, I wasn't really supposed to be watching this show, but I would sneak-watch the late-night repeat because what teenage boy doesn't like silly kung-fu films, except that the day this aired was a day someone decided to check in on me to make sure I wasn't sneaking television shows late at night with the handful of TVs in my room that I had pulled out of the trash and repaired (don't lie, you would do it, too, if it meant free TVs right there in your room). And I had to skip the rest of that episode because of the threat of a return check-up visit, so I never got to see the rest. Oh sure, I missed a bunch of other episodes during the show's run, but the other ones were more the "Yes, my honored general, I will beat up all those bad guys you don't like and rescue your honor" kind of period kung-fu movies which I didn't really care about (and still don't).

Like I said, I'm currently working my way episode by episode through the playlist (when I think about it) to see what they are. So far the best candidate (based on plot) is Deadly Snail v. Kung Fu Killer, but I haven't actually watched any of it yet to see if it looks familiar, and the plot description doesn't sound quite right.

Nov 27, 2008
Still diabetes free, which is always a nice thing to hear from the bi-annual blood tests.

Also I do not have carpal tunnel as suspected, I have a tear in a ligament in my wrist which hopefully will heal on it's own if I baby it for a while.
It hasn't been very busy at work for the last month or two. Workforce often messages people, asking if they want to end their shift early (and not get paid for said time off). Those are called VTO's (Voluntary Time-Off). Sometimes, they'll offer VTO's in advance, like later in the week. Or we can use the option to use some of our unused vacation hours to get paid for that time off.

Today, Workforce offered people in my department if they wanted to use vacation hours to take Wednesday, Thursday, and/or Friday off. I haven't booked any of my 15 days of vacation, so...I took all three.

As a result, tomorrow is the first of 5 days off for me, three of which are paid. :D
Jun 3, 2012
It’s been a rough week for me and I fell recently so I’m a hurting unit today. I had one of my visits with my cat planned at a long term care home and our oldest offered to come with and help me with lifting our cat (he’s huge).

The visit went super well and he was a great boy. We’re driving home and I see a Squishmallows sign. I had to turn around of course!

Our new additions piled on our oldest’s lap. I was so excited!

@Dirona this store is near you should you ever need Squishmallows lol.
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Nov 28, 2008
canada-eh? (New Scotland)
It’s been a rough week for me and I fell recently so I’m a hurting unit today. I had one of my visits with my cat planned at a long term care home and our oldest offered to come with and help me with lifting our cat (he’s huge).

The visit went super well and he was a great boy. We’re driving home and I see a Squishmallows sign. I had to turn around of course!

Our new additions piled on our oldest’s lap. I was so excited!
View attachment 47367
@Dirona this store is near you should you ever need Squishmallows lol.
The day I cave on buying squishmallows is the day this house gets overrun with them! I have no self-control when it comes to stuffies.
It’s been a rough week for me and I fell recently so I’m a hurting unit today. I had one of my visits with my cat planned at a long term care home and our oldest offered to come with and help me with lifting our cat (he’s huge).

The visit went super well and he was a great boy. We’re driving home and I see a Squishmallows sign. I had to turn around of course!

Our new additions piled on our oldest’s lap. I was so excited!
View attachment 47367
@Dirona this store is near you should you ever need Squishmallows lol.
I'm hesitant to ask, but which one of these is your oldest, exactly?