Minor victory thread

Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
So, not to brag or anything, but an AV job I designed and programmed made the news...

So, I had always assumed if you were on tv with the city council, it would probably be for more... nefarious reasons.

I am puzzled by the lack of Texas twang by everyone in this video. One or two people, sure, but everybody?!

(Yes, this is a joke. I know not everyone sounds like that. Gosh.)
Jun 3, 2012
I finally have my surgical consult for my hand. Because it’s an old work injury, my appointment was meant to be expedited. The first surgeon had my referral for over a year and when I called, his staff made it clear my issue wasn’t important to them.

This new surgeon has had my referral for maybe a week or two?

Here’s hoping he can help me and soon.
After meeting a bonded pair of black cats yesterday, I went to the SPCA today to sign the papers and pay the adoption fees.

I texted their foster mother, who will be bringing Ruff & Tuff to me tomorrow afternoon.

I also went on a small shopping spree to get some stuff for them, like food and water bowls, some new toys, etc.

I found this water bowl, which is technically for dogs, but it should work fine. I took it as a sign from the universe.


Also got this amazing toy that I hope they won't totally ignore. My tag team's training begins immediately!



Dec 2, 2008
Whether you are accepted or rejected, you have my sympathies. :p
I can do it all right? Full time work, full time volunteer work, full time parent and spouse, full time school. that's 24 hours a day, no problem.

Didn't we have an exploding lawyer meme a while back? We might need to update it.
Leaping Lawyer no longer exists in this dojo. Or anywhere else in the world apparently :cry:
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Nov 28, 2008
canada-eh? (New Scotland)
So I've been in a funk recently - just generally mild-to-moderately depressed for the last few months. Last week was incredibly busy, and I was super tired.

This past Saturday my favourite musician was in town, playing the city's largest (I think) venue. And I had snagged 6th row floor tickets back when they went on sale. I was mildly looking forward to it, but hadn't mustered up a lot of enthusiasm for going.


I have been following Alan Doyle's music for almost 30 years - from Great Big Sea to his now solo career, and from one coast to the other. I have seen him perform probably half a dozen times, and every time it is a great show. This was no different. I am so so glad I went. A great performer, and a wonderful musician, and just generally cool dude. (I did notice that he's finally starting to look older.)

And, I will admit, it is always great to bounce along to live music with a crowd!
Nov 27, 2008
East Coast
So I've been in a funk recently - just generally mild-to-moderately depressed for the last few months. Last week was incredibly busy, and I was super tired.

This past Saturday my favourite musician was in town, playing the city's largest (I think) venue. And I had snagged 6th row floor tickets back when they went on sale. I was mildly looking forward to it, but hadn't mustered up a lot of enthusiasm for going.

View attachment 47623

I have been following Alan Doyle's music for almost 30 years - from Great Big Sea to his now solo career, and from one coast to the other. I have seen him perform probably half a dozen times, and every time it is a great show. This was no different. I am so so glad I went. A great performer, and a wonderful musician, and just generally cool dude. (I did notice that he's finally starting to look older.)

And, I will admit, it is always great to bounce along to live music with a crowd!
He will be within 3 hrs of me in May, but I can't justify that drive. I wish he would come back to Raleigh again.
Last year, I won an award at my company's Chairman's Choice Awards.

My team manager just informed me that not only am I #1 for sales so far this year, but it's by a WIDE margin to the next agent.

He said there's a very good chance I'll be going to the CCA's again this year.

Whether it happens, we'll see, but it'd be pretty cool. That night was pretty amazing. I felt so spoiled.
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Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
I'm imagining a two-frame comic where, in the first frame, you are trying to drop your application into the mailbox, but you're struggling with an anthropomorphic representation of "Anxiety" (like in Family Circus or Shen Comix) that is pulling you back by your collar with one hand and trying to block the slot/push the mailbox deposit door closed with the other, but in the second panel, the big door on the front of the box has opened up and a big "ACCEPTED" reply letter sort of like the "I'm just a Bill" guy, except really buff and action hero-y is bursting out of it and tiger uppercutting the "Anxiety" dude right in his effing face.

Dec 2, 2008
I'm imagining a two-frame comic where, in the first frame, you are trying to drop your application into the mailbox, but you're struggling with an anthropomorphic representation of "Anxiety" (like in Family Circus or Shen Comix) that is pulling you back by your collar with one hand and trying to block the slot/push the mailbox deposit door closed with the other, but in the second panel, the big door on the front of the box has opened up and a big "ACCEPTED" reply letter sort of like the "I'm just a Bill" guy, except really buff and action hero-y is bursting out of it and tiger uppercutting the "Anxiety" dude right in his effing face.

hah! My anxiety is all consuming, even more so now that I’m committed!
Nov 30, 2008
I just got accepted for a National Endowment for the Humanities workshop in New York City. In June, I'll spend five days touring the NYC waterfront and learning about New York's maritime history with nineteen other scholars. The only reason this isn't an epic win is because the stipend covers maybe two-thirds of the total cost. NEH funding comes through the feds, and they haven't taken the increased cost of living into account.

Still, I'm going to New York and the wife is joining me for some of it. She hasn't been there since high school and so she'll do the tourist thing while I'm working during the day. We'll do stuff in the evenings and the day after the workshop ends. I've never been to New York outside LaGuardia and JFK so this will be a treat.
Calling this a hesitant minor victory, as I don't know how it'll turn out yet, but...

I'm joining a local tabletop RPG group. I was discussing on a Halifax Reddit post how I grew up playing Palladium Books' Heroes Unlimited. Someone messaged me and they want to host a Heroes Unlimited/TMNT game. I asked if I could play a mutant animal character, because then I could play you know who. Which works out well with a tabletop RPG, because a private detective is a perfect starting point for a game hook.

Turns out, they love the idea of an armadillo PI and want to make it the theme of the game, as a seedy noir world and all that. They have a group of other players, too.

Probably going to have the first game this weekend, so we'll see how it goes.
Calling this a hesitant minor victory, as I don't know how it'll turn out yet, but...

I'm joining a local tabletop RPG group. I was discussing on a Halifax Reddit post how I grew up playing Palladium Books' Heroes Unlimited. Someone messaged me and they want to host a Heroes Unlimited/TMNT game. I asked if I could play a mutant animal character, because then I could play you know who. Which works out well with a tabletop RPG, because a private detective is a perfect starting point for a game hook.

Turns out, they love the idea of an armadillo PI and want to make it the theme of the game, as a seedy noir world and all that. They have a group of other players, too.

Probably going to have the first game this weekend, so we'll see how it goes.
Tonight, I wrote out Dill's origin story for the character sheet.

Fun Fact: I never really fleshed out the specifics of Dill's origin story, even after all these years. In retrospect, I really should have, but since I wrote the books on a whim without much outlining, it didn't really come up. I had some vague ideas that he was grown in a lab, and some ideas on what the lab was, but outside of that, it never really came together. For some reason, the biggest stumbling block was naming the place. Since I've been thinking of his origin for the last few days, the name finally came to me and I really like it.

I had some rough book ideas for when Dill "went home." I wanted to take the foundation from Yojimbo or Fistful of Dollars, where the lone stranger enters a town with two warring gangs and runs amok. Only in this case, the two "gangs" would be the humans and the anthros.

Anyway, here's the bio I wrote out. It's a rough first draft, so I wouldn't consider it "canon" with my own books. But it's pretty close to what I'd already imagined in my head.

The name’s Dilbert Pinkerton; mutant armadillo, private detective. I dig for the truth.

And the truth is I came from a small town called St. Francis. You’ve never heard of it. No one has. Even though it’s a quiet suburban town in Florida, you’ll never find it on any map. See, St. Francis is home to Assisi Laboratories, where all kinds of weird animal mutating and splicing experiments goes on. Yeah, it’s all named after St. Francis Assisi. Trust me, I see the irony in it, too.

Anyway, the whole town is built from the foundation of this laboratory. Everyone works there in one form or another. All in the name of making the next mutant animal for the “betterment of mankind” or some malarkey. Any mutant animals - anthros, they call them - are indentured servants. None of them can leave. I was working as a glorified secretary for the local sheriff. He was an ass, but I picked up some things about the law and learned how to make a decent cup of java. Got my bad smoking habit from him, too.

How I got out is a goddamn miracle. Doc Crimson, an old WW2 war hero, happened to stumble across the town. The state had been hit by a bad hurricane and he was helping with cleanup. He didn’t even realize what he came across until he saw all the animals in town. He wound up helping with a local murder mystery and, well, he saw more in me than the Sheriff Colby saw. He wanted to take me under his wing as a protege. Teach me how to solve crimes and all that stuff. He managed to sneak me out of town and I’ve never seen St. Francis since then. Doc said it was too big to take down. Too much red tape. He said maybe I could go back there sometime and free my fellow anthros. I don’t know if I ever wanna see that place again. There’s nothing for me there. I don’t even know if they’re looking for me.

I followed Doc around like a lost puppy for a spell. He taught me how to look for clues. Taught me how to shoot. Taught me how to use my nose for more than smelling farts. Doc retired some years ago, but he helped me set up shop with my own one-dillo detective agency. It’s not much, but it’s mine. I call it the Hovel Office. It’s a cheap basement office below a pet grooming salon. It’s a pigsty, and looks like several disasters hit it, but at least there’s always cockroaches to munch on. It’s a mess, but it’s my mess and I know where everything is.

Recently, I made friends with a local bartender, Tony Castillo. He runs a bar, Castillo’s. He’s as grumpy and foul tempered as I am, but we get along. I helped solve a case for him once, so now he begrudgingly lets me run up a bar tab. Turns out, he’s got powers. Nothing big, just some dog powers and he can talk to pooches. He tried the hero thing once, but it didn’t take. But he’ll help me with a case now and then.

It ain’t much of a life, but it’s something.
Tonight, I wrote out Dill's origin story for the character sheet.

Fun Fact: I never really fleshed out the specifics of Dill's origin story, even after all these years. In retrospect, I really should have, but since I wrote the books on a whim without much outlining, it didn't really come up. I had some vague ideas that he was grown in a lab, and some ideas on what the lab was, but outside of that, it never really came together. For some reason, the biggest stumbling block was naming the place. Since I've been thinking of his origin for the last few days, the name finally came to me and I really like it.

I had some rough book ideas for when Dill "went home." I wanted to take the foundation from Yojimbo or Fistful of Dollars, where the lone stranger enters a town with two warring gangs and runs amok. Only in this case, the two "gangs" would be the humans and the anthros.

Anyway, here's the bio I wrote out. It's a rough first draft, so I wouldn't consider it "canon" with my own books. But it's pretty close to what I'd already imagined in my head.

The name’s Dilbert Pinkerton; mutant armadillo, private detective. I dig for the truth.

And the truth is I came from a small town called St. Francis. You’ve never heard of it. No one has. Even though it’s a quiet suburban town in Florida, you’ll never find it on any map. See, St. Francis is home to Assisi Laboratories, where all kinds of weird animal mutating and splicing experiments goes on. Yeah, it’s all named after St. Francis Assisi. Trust me, I see the irony in it, too.

Anyway, the whole town is built from the foundation of this laboratory. Everyone works there in one form or another. All in the name of making the next mutant animal for the “betterment of mankind” or some malarkey. Any mutant animals - anthros, they call them - are indentured servants. None of them can leave. I was working as a glorified secretary for the local sheriff. He was an ass, but I picked up some things about the law and learned how to make a decent cup of java. Got my bad smoking habit from him, too.

How I got out is a goddamn miracle. Doc Crimson, an old WW2 war hero, happened to stumble across the town. The state had been hit by a bad hurricane and he was helping with cleanup. He didn’t even realize what he came across until he saw all the animals in town. He wound up helping with a local murder mystery and, well, he saw more in me than the Sheriff Colby saw. He wanted to take me under his wing as a protégé. Teach me how to solve crimes and all that stuff. He managed to sneak me out of town and I’ve never seen St. Francis since then. Doc said it was too big to take down. Too much red tape. He said maybe I could go back there sometime and free my fellow anthros. I don’t know if I ever wanna see that place again. There’s nothing for me there. I don’t even know if they’re looking for me.

I followed Doc around like a lost puppy for a spell. He taught me how to look for clues. Taught me how to shoot. Taught me how to use my nose for more than smelling farts. Doc retired some years ago, but he helped me set up shop with my own one-dillo detective agency. It’s not much, but it’s mine. I call it the Hovel Office. It’s a cheap basement office below a pet grooming salon. It’s a pigsty, and looks like several disasters hit it, but at least there’s always cockroaches to munch on. It’s a mess, but it’s my mess and I know where everything is.

Recently, I made friends with a local bartender, Tony Castillo. He runs a bar, Castillo’s. He’s as grumpy and foul tempered as I am, but we get along. I helped solve a case for him once, so now he begrudgingly lets me run up a bar tab. Turns out, he’s got powers. Nothing big, just some dog powers and he can talk to pooches. He tried the hero thing once, but it didn’t take. But he’ll help me with a case now and then.

It ain’t much of a life, but it’s something.
Got home earlier from my first session with the DM. I think it was more of a solo session specifically to see if I was a good fit, since we were strangers meeting through Reddit. Which I totally get and I was fine with.

The whole thing was a blast. Dill got hired by this big corporation to basically sniff test a new hire they suspected was doing corporate espionage. Sniffing to see if he was lying. They had Dill on the other side of the mirror of an interrogation room.

After Dill figured out he was lying, they intended on killing him. I immediately went, "This ain't what I signed up for." That's when they tried putting the window to opaque so I couldn't see their brute killing the guy. Naturally, Dill pulled out the Daymaker and shot the glass, telling the thug to drop the guy.

Without going into details of the whole adventure, it led to tracking down a camouflaged ship in a sports area. Instead of going in guns blazing, I had Dill sneak around, creating distractions with the sound system and some ride-on lawnmowers. At one point, an assailant thought he had the drop on Dill, but I used his leaping ability to leap straight up and drop kicked the dude. Actually did that twice with the leaping, something I hadn't had a chance to do in Dill's written adventures.

The assailant who snuck up on Dill was actually tracking down the ship, too. I'd stolen his gun earlier and he demanded I give it back. Which, after learning we were basically on the same side...I did. For some reason, this action really surprised the DM, saying "Not many people would have done that." But it was the right call and the character wound up being invaluable for the rest of the adventure. Actually, I think I used some good leadership skills with both that character, and another character with wind-based powers. I had to rescue the hero within the ship and convinced him to basically create a hurricane WITHIN the ship to throw off the enemies. I'm a little proud of the in-the-moment ingenuity I used with what the DM had provided for the game. I don't know if I impressed him, but it certainly made for some fun, interesting situations.

So now we're talking about meeting the rest of the group in a week or two. We're kind of playing it by ear.
But goddamn, it was fun to slip into the trench coat of Dill again.
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Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
I thought I mentioned this in here, but I can't find a post so maybe not: our town's Little League names all their teams after MLB teams, and since Mr. Z volunteered me for the job of organizing our uniforms a couple of year ago (yay.), I get to pick the teams each year. I try to mix them up so we don't have the same teams year after year, but I also do it to entertain myself. For example, the Brewers are our yellow-shirted team this year because I love the throwback logo on the hats. Or there are several girls softball teams that are the Yellowjackets this year because I'm a sicko. :D But I got to pick Li'l Z team this year, and I made them the Cleveland Guardians, because of Major League. Mr. Z and I even got the Major League logo hats (the baseball with the mohawk) we wear to every game. Only a few kids have gotten it, but a lot of the adults do.

Because of his age group, all of Li'l Z's games this year are played on the field we refer to as "The Show". It's the nicest field we have, it's got a booth, it's got a live video feed, and it has a sound system hooked up. Some of the coach-dads like to play pregame and in-between innings music, so I KNEW exactly what I wanted to do for our closing pitchers since before the season started. I finally got the passcode for the bluetooth to the sound system tonight! And by a complete coincidence (because I am not a coach for this team, so I have no say in these things), Li'l Z was the closing pitcher tonight. So he got the full:

The kids, aside from Li'l Z, didn't get it, but the parents watching were loving it.

I should add, Li'l Z actually pitched the last two innings, and pitched a no-hitter for both, giving us a 9-2 win over the "Orioles". I have to wait until after 11pm here to access the recorded footage.