Minor victory thread

We have a thread for Epic wins. We have a thread for rants and minor rants. But unless my necro and search powers fail me I can't find a Minor victory thread akin to the minor rant thread.

So I'm making one.

My minor victory. After having a nasty virus on my PC (which included key loggers, root kits, and your general malware) I finally decided I didn't need windows on this PC anymore and have reinstalled Slackware.

It has taken me all morning to remember even what tiny bit I once knew but I am now operational with a new slackware install complete with wireless networking and opera installed.

Like I said, minor victory.

Philosopher B.

I just caught up on the last couple of Lost eps I missed so I could catch tonight's episode. Glee!


Staff member
Nov 27, 2008
I went into a negativity spiral when I experienced some nasty, sudden writer's block this afternoon. But after going for a walk, I remembered that I'm absurd to think I'm an empty person with nothing interesting to say and got halfway through a new chapter. :) Yay! I still think it's still a bunch of mediocre silliness, but at least I am plowing forward.
Cross post with the minor victory rant thread since it pretty much fits as both, but is not deserving of it's own thread.
.... maybe a blog, i should consider that somedays.

I recently took upon a couple of partners and a project to start a business. I'm currently in the process of trying to put together the webpage graphics and site design. I feel this has potential to be a big thing for me. It's also a fuck ton of work when for hopefully a future payoff when what I really need is pay right now. The website domain has been registered, the business paperwork should be filed tomorrow. I would be intimidated by the scope of this project if I wasn't so damned busy trying to make it happen. Which is a good thing, since if I had time to think about it I probably would talk myself out of it.

no I'm not sharing a lot of details about what this venture is right now, but I will be soon with luck.


As a side note this is the first time I have designed a website and done the graphics work purely in linux (slackware) instead of having windows programs to fall back up. Also both a rant and a victory.
Dec 3, 2009
Savannah, GA
I just hustled a possum out of a doorway where it was sheltering from the rain, hissing at pedestrians. Got him shifted to a more arboreal location, where he can hiss at the bums. *wry smile*


Staff member
Nov 27, 2008
In the midst of all the shit this week has already thrown at me, I take a moment of solace in Zapp's sweet potato chips.
Nov 26, 2008
The girl I have a crush on called me cute.

Rather, she called the picture of me at 3 years old cute, but I'll take what I can get.
Nov 27, 2008
My girlfriend and I will actually be able to spend some time together next week, as in more than a couple of hours a week.
Dec 17, 2008
Having the "Mini Forumites" thread right above this, I looked at this thread and read "Mini Vibrator Thread," is something wrong with me?
Nov 28, 2008
I just had a really nice fart. I feel like a good amount of pressure was released. It wasn't stinky or one of those gross farts that you regret, but it was powerful. There was a force to it, is what I'm saying.
Nov 27, 2008
Turlock, CA
I just had a really nice fart. I feel like a good amount of pressure was released. It wasn't stinky or one of those gross farts that you regret, but it was powerful. There was a force to it, is what I'm saying.
Was it one of those farts where you can actually see and feel your stomach shrink? Those are the most satisfying! :awesome: