New Picture Thread

Nov 27, 2008
East Texas
not as cute as babies, or all the other nice things posted over the last few days, but I got a bed cover for the truck so that I can not worry about people pilfering all my plastic fidgety animals from the back ;)


still under my $14K budget I had for for this expense (truck, immediate shop visit, bed cover)...if just barely.
It's a bonkers nice, sunny day today, so I'm taking the bus up to Lacewood Terminal, then taking Big Blue on the Rum Runner's Trail to the Bike & Bean in Upper Tantallon. I think this is Big Blue's first time on this trail. Should be a nice, long ride.

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I'm on the bus now to go home. I didn't have it in me to bike home after the round trip on the trail.

Still, that's about 50 KM total today. I'm exhausted.
Big Blue and I went to a Critical Mass tonight. Critical Mass is a cycling event where a massive amount of cyclists go riding together. It's both to encourage safe urban cycling, and a protest for more cycling infrastructure.

It was a total blast.
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I posted this while making supper, but I meant to add that I've volunteered to start marshalling at these events. Marshalling basically means making sure everyone is safe and together. It often means blocking off lanes while the mass of cyclist pass through intersections. I'm also volunteering to marshal a Kidical Mass, a kid-friendly cycling event.

I also learned tonight that we intentionally try to stay together, even if we go through a red light. Normally, there are marshals ready to block off opposing traffic, but that didn't happen a few times tonight. So it led a few hair-raising passes through intersections.