[Contest] 5 Year Anniversary Contest

Yes you do - but not the Theological Colleges one! We're separate (read: special)! So you could have the priviledge of going to 2 convocations!
<monotone>Oh yes, please, let me have the honour, I have lived for this moment, how can I let it pass by?</monotone>
<monotone>Oh yes, please, let me have the honour, I have lived for this moment, how can I let it pass by?</monotone>
Exactly my point! Consider yourself official not invited!

Yes, that should put me in her good books...
Even though I'm mostly a lurker, count me in too. But only with the stipulation that should I win, the money goes back into the operating fund that keeps this place running. I don't have any use for a PS4, but I have plenty of use for procrastination and distraction.


Staff member
First post updated again. Third place prize: $50 gift card to Amazon.

So to recap:
  1. PS4 (or cash equivalent - $400 USD)
  2. $200 gift card to Amazon
  3. $50 gift card to Amazon

I think we can say that Amazon is the real winner here.
Sure, sign me up.
I more-than-likely won't be there due to time zone issues and such, but in the unlikely event my numbers somehow come up, I really don't want or need a PS4; I'd be much happier with a $200 gift card from Amazon (.co.uk or .de or .fr or whatever), so in that case, switch prizes with #2.

Also, huzzah for Mikko. But that goes without saying.